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Anne Jordan Source Update November 2012: What's Happening with Nexis?
26th November 2012

This month's additions and takedowns in Nexis, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



Anne Jordan Source Update November 2012: What's Happening with Factiva?
26th November 2012

This month's additions and takedowns in Factiva, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



James Mullan Can Gamification Help Collaboration?
23rd November 2012

The concept of gamification is something FreePint touched upon earlier this year, and whilst the concept hasn't changed significantly, the application of gamification is now firmly in the collaboration camp. Many individuals claim that gamification can significantly assist with collaboration projects. The question is how, and is using gaming techniques a good idea within organisations?



Tim Buckley Owen Liberate Your Creativity - and Prepare to Fail
23rd November 2012

Recent analyses from Gartner and the Economist Intelligence Unit suggest that, to be successful, businesses should welcome individual use of technology to break through traditional business barriers and should take advantage of disruptive new technologies. Recent technologies that information professionals may wish to pursue include software to predict trending topics on Twitter, and an app that summarises news stories automatically. Neither of these technologies may end up working effectively – but the most innovative companies will also permit and harness failure.



Tim Buckley Owen How High is Your Value?
22nd November 2012

Although regulatory pressures mean that demand for high value services continues to grow, the specific value that information professionals can bring doesn’t always appear to be recognised. Compliance workflow solutions from vendors such as Thomson Reuters or LexisNexis may appear to diminish the info pro’s role, but there is actually plenty of scope for them to engage in regulatory horizon scanning and early warning. Current examples of upcoming issues include changes in European Union data protection legislation, liability for actionable Tweets and corporate ownership of staff emails.



James Mullan Stretching and Shaping the Knowledge Management Concept
22nd November 2012

If you work within the knowledge management field then it's essential to understand is that there are different types of knowledge and to appreciate how to distinguish between these different types. In a fascinating post on the Knoco stories blog the author looks at the knowledge management landscape and asks "What does the knowledge management landscape look like?" and "Why is it important to understand what the terms mean and what they encompass?"



James Mullan Who Owns Enterprise Collaboration?
21st November 2012

It's widely acknowledged that collaboration within an enterprise has many benefits. The collaboration tools that organisations are providing for employees are constantly improving but the ways in which they're being managed haven't changed significantly. Perhaps more importantly, the question of who should be managing enterprise collaboration and the tools that support it remains an issue. If this is not addressed it can hamper their adoption.



Amy Affelt Big Data: The Opportunity Formerly Known as Information Overload
20th November 2012

Industry focus on Big Data represents a huge opportunity for information professionals. In many senses, we have worked with Big Data for our entire careers. We can leverage that experience, along with our expert ability to locate, evaluate and transform data and information into knowledge products, in order to advance our organisations’ bottom lines.



Robin Neidorf Interpretation of Images: Why News Analysis Matters
19th November 2012

Do you believe your eyes? Today's news environment is awash with images and video, but the savvy researcher must be aware of how easy it can be to alter or falsify them. Examples provided by analysts at BBC Monitoring demonstrate the impact of knowledgeable media analysis to in-depth understanding of what's really happening, regardless of what photo or video evidence may suggest.



Cynthia Lesky Three Fundamentals for Business Research in the Post-Truth Era
15th November 2012

The dismantling of traditional media culture and the proliferation of content channels for business-relevant news may result in more errors and misstatements in the sources that business research analysts rely on. To counter these forces, the author reminds readers of the foundation of good research and analysis, and in doing so presents a simple framework that incorporates skills in discovery and assessment; scepticism, critical thinking and prioritising; and candid, consultative reporting.
