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Robin Neidorf Comparing News Providers: Pricing and Licensing
18th December 2012

In today's world of shrinking budgets and increasing focus on ROI, cost is definitely a top concern. Pricing is often based on the specific features and customised elements of an implementation, but FreePint reviews attempt to provide some scope for understanding the likely costs whenever available. But what exactly are you paying for? In addition to cost, we consider the rights you obtain with your license and how they may affect your usage.



Robin Neidorf Comparing News Providers: Analytics
18th December 2012

Corporate information managers want analytics because these reports help them understand how their organisations are making use of products. Users want a different kind of analytics – the kind that helps them make sense of the raft of results their news searches produce. Premium providers offer both kinds, with varying degrees of success.



Robin Neidorf Comparing News Providers: Search and Post-Search Functions
17th December 2012

Information managers responding to FreePint's annual survey on news needs and preferences consistently report that the powerful search functions and special features of premium products add value to those products. Comparing the news product reviews published in 2012 for search and special features shows how publishers have tried to leverage that advantage. As this year's comparison includes our review of free search engines as well, it's easier to see the tradeoffs inherent in free approach versus the fee approach.



Robin Neidorf Comparing News Providers: Sources
17th December 2012

One of the most important considerations in evaluating a news product is source coverage of that product. Researchers conducting product reviews for FreePint must take a close and careful look at the sources included.



Robin Neidorf Comparing News Providers: FreePint's View: Key Strengths and Weaknesses of News Products
17th December 2012

Researchers writing product reports for FreePint summarise the highlights of their favourite and least-favourite elements of the product in a "FreePint's View". Comparing these highlights across the different reports published in 2012 on news content providers shows what researchers are consistently looking for and praising in products under the microscope.



James Mullan Collaboration in Companies? Who's Feeling Antisocial?
14th December 2012

Social media has changed the way individuals communicate with their friends and family. Slowly but surely social media is also having a significant impact on the way we communicate and collaborate with our colleagues and managers. Email, once viewed as the only way to work and to communicate with colleagues, is now viewed as ineffective and outdated, but are all companies really on the social media bandwagon?



Tim Buckley Owen Social Media - the Revenge of the 99%
13th December 2012

Social media use continues to ratchet up exponentially and not always with the players you might expect. Yet many companies still wrestle with the organisational and cultural challenges posed by the new ways of working that social networking encourages, and some may find themselves severely challenged by a new business model: social capitalism. Recent studies by Nielsen, IBM and Gartner point to the potentially apocalyptic way ahead.



James Mullan Enterprise Search under the Microscope
12th December 2012

I've written a number of articles about enterprise search so it was no surprise to read a research note discussing "The Business of Search". In it Martin White looks in some detail at how the enterprise search market is going through a period of substantial change caused by factors such as open source, SharePoint 2013 and big data. Changes will continue throughout 2013. So what does the business of search look like?



Dale Moore Email: Here Today; Here Tomorrow
12th December 2012

Email. It's not dead, just changing. Love it or hate it, we must manage it. Surveys show that email is as 'here' as it's ever been and isn't going away any time soon. But it's not email itself that's the problem, it's the way we fail to manage it.
