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Andrew Grave Key Note: Customer Support, Pricing, Conclusion & Contact Details
11th February 2013

The final section of Andrew Graves review of Key Note looks at customer support and pricing, along with his conclusion of the product.



Andrew Grave Key Note: Report Contents
11th February 2013

Reports within Key Note provide researchers with in-depth information on organisations and Andrew Grave continues his review of Key Note by investigating exactly what the information professional can expect from tools such as the report, benchmarking and list functions.



Andrew Grave Key Note: Interface, Search and Tools
11th February 2013

This section of Andrew Grave's review of Key Note looks into the options for searching the market research reports and subsequently refining the initial results.



Andrew Grave Key Note: Sources, Content & Coverage
11th February 2013

As part of his review of Key Note, Andrew Grave investigates what's offered in the market reports section which comprises around 2,000 reports, and what the 1,000+ business ratio reports offer in terms of comparison of financial data from leading companies.



Andrew Grave Key Note: Introduction and FreePint's View
11th February 2013

Best known as a market intelligence source, Key Note now provides company information through Companies House filings. Andrew Grave provides an in-depth report of the product and its evolution.



James Mullan Legal Knowledge Management Blossoms in 2013
8th February 2013

The legal sector has a long tradition of having well-established knowledge management strategies, so it came as no surprise when I read a discussion on LinkedIn about the "Top 3 KM trends in 2013". So what are the trends and issues that knowledge managers in this sector should tackle, asks James Mullan.



Yulia Aspinall Mini Review: Safari Books Online
8th February 2013

Electronic reference materials such as ebooks and videos can present businesses with a time, cost efficient and environmentally friendly way to keep up-to-date with business and technology developments. Yulia Aspinall reviews Safari Books Online, a comprehensive digital library designed to help business, creative and technology professionals to easily access information relevant to their business and career.



James Mullan Big Data Creates New Opportunities for Collaboration
7th February 2013

James Mullan has previously written about how big data provides opportunities for information professionals who manage intranets. This post looks at some of the challenges and opportunities for organisations which manage and use big data and how such data can provide valuable insights into collaboration and communication.



Jo Alcock Decimate Your 'To Do List': Get Things Done
7th February 2013

This article provides an introduction to David Allen's Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology. It discusses each of the five stages in the GTD process, and provides tips to help you integrate the system into your workflow to improve your productivity.
