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Evan Callender Mini Review: Axceler ControlPoint
21st February 2013

SharePoint is well-used in large and small firms for intranets, collaboration and workflow and seems to be maintaining its competitive edge as the latest version, SharePoint 2013, is introduced. Evan Callender reviews Axceler's ControlPoint, which is designed to help those running management and policy enforcement for large SharePoint environments as well as offering some useful features which aren't present in the native SharePoint offering.



Penny Crossland Mini Review: IA Watch
19th February 2013

Penny Crossland reviews IA Watch, an information portal for compliance practitioners, containing news on more than 200 compliance-related topics as well as up-to-date information on guidelines, laws and best practices. The portal is enhanced by a community forum, collaborative features and links to IA Watch-sponsored webinars.



Pila Martinez Enliven Your Communications with Multimedia
19th February 2013

Without any visual elements, most types of written communications are just rows and rows of black letters that blur into a grey mass. Multimedia not only can make your communications more visually appealing, but it can also convey information in ways your words never could. Pila Martinez provides some tips to help you make your communications more captivating and highlights some of the latest tools to achieve this.



Barbara Fullerton Mini Review: Web Preserver
18th February 2013

Barbara Fullerton reviews Web Preserver, a sophisticated yet easy-to-use product which not only allows you to preserve webpages in their native technology format but also to archive and tag them, and to monitor and compare website changes.



James Mullan To SharePoint or Not to SharePoint?
18th February 2013

At the end of 2012 SharePoint announced that it was releasing SharePoint 2013. SharePoint 2013 promises much both in terms of content authoring and the social experience, but whether organisations choose to upgrade to the latest version of the application will depend on many factors.



James Mullan Why You Should Take Time Out from Technology
14th February 2013

James Mullan has written two posts recently which looked at some of the issues caused by our lives being dominated by digital activities. Now he's stumbled across a new, yet related, term called "technostress". The question is, are you suffering from technostress and, if so, what can you do about it?



Tim Buckley Owen Sorry Bosses - You Can't Shut Down Twitter
12th February 2013

Management's ill-considered reaction to rogue tweets by staff at HMV indicates how far many bosses still have to go in understanding social media. Twitter's acquisition of Bluefin Labs, alongside its acknowledgement of recent security breaches, show how high the stakes can be, yet Gartner suggests that management still needs to learn how to deal with issues such as exploiting internal networks or getting to grips with social media-based identity and access management. Nevertheless, a recent report from Weber Shandwick suggests that chief executives are becoming more social, and it offers some tips from which information professionals could profit.



Andrew Grave Product Review of Key Note: Executive Summary
11th February 2013

Key Note has a single web platform through which it delivers its services. Until recently, these were just its well-known Market Reports. In the last three years, it has added Business Ratio Reports, credit reports, Companies House filings, a list generator tool and, this January, a company benchmarking tool. In this executive summary, Andrew Grave outlines the highlights of FreePint’s first review of the product.

Update: A new review of this product is available here »
