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Penny Crossland LinkedIn Today - Another News Aggregator on the Block
20th May 2013

LinkedIn's recent purchase of the Pulse news app appeared to signal a move towards news aggregation. This was confirmed last week, when the business networking site launched a revamp of its social news service, LinkedIn Today. Users can now read content from credible news sources covering a range of business categories.



Robin Neidorf Assimilation Time for Thomson Reuters and PLC
20th May 2013

When Practical Law Company (PLC) was acquired by Thomson Reuters (TR) earlier this year, information professionals in the legal sector raised a number of issues and concerns. Robin Neidorf interviews key figures to find out how PLC is complementing TR's strategic goals for the legal sector and to obtain more detail of those plans.



Robin Neidorf NewsEdge Delivered to the Palm of Your Hand
20th May 2013

Delivering news headlines to mobile devices nowadays seems straightforward but early adopters TD Bank and NewsEdge have been delivering headlines and full text articles (on seamless click-through) to BlackBerrys since 2006. Linda Larsen tells FreePint how the service came about and gives us a glimpse of the information research centre's plans for the future.



James Mullan Encouraging Collaboration Within Law Firms
17th May 2013

Failure, that's a horrible word to use at the start of an article. But that's essentially what this article is going to be about and, more specifically, why (some say) internal collaboration tools within law firms are doomed to fail. However, failure can also be useful in understanding how tools such as intranets, or collaboration tools like Confluence, are used and what could drive future projects to success.



Tim Buckley Owen Privacy - Don't Hold Your Breath
17th May 2013

The discovery that Bloomberg News journalists have been making use of customer data raises broader privacy issues. Associated Press has complained about secret use of its telephone records by the United States Justice Department and the British polling organisation Ipsos MORI has been exposed trying to sell anonymised data from the mobile phone service EE to the London police. How effective is anonymisation, should internet service providers shield user data from the authorities and are some websites’ privacy notices designed merely to protect the providers?



Tim Buckley Owen Taxpayer-Funded Research - Cheaper but Trickier?
15th May 2013

Research Councils UK in Britain, and the Office of Science & Technology in the United States, have each instructed bodies that use taxpayers' money to fund research to start making all that research available free to users. This follows the Affordable Subscriptions for Periodicals campaign originally launched by Research Libraries UK and a new study published on ArXiv which concludes that the future of "elite" academic journal publishers may be doubt. More open access could mean a substantial reduction in costs for information professionals charged with acquiring research, but may also leave them with the challenge of deciding what's worth having.



James Mullan Do Intranets Really Need to be Social?
14th May 2013

Social intranets have promised a lot but they have to some extent failed to deliver on this promise - so are social features such as activity streams, profiles and forums really necessary for internal communication? James Mullan reviews what you need to consider when planning to implement social tools on an intranet.



Tim Reynolds Gleaning Competitive Intelligence from Crowdfunding
14th May 2013

With the US JOBS Act opening up the crowdfunding market to venture capital in the US, the business world has taken notice of the new market. This article suggests that crowdfunding platforms (based on the combination of crowdsourcing and microfinance) offer access to open source market data - ready to be mined by information professionals.



Tim Buckley Owen Big Data - Time To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone?
13th May 2013

Recent reports by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) and Cisco about the importance of mastering big data for future corporate success should represent opportunities for information managers. Yet the latest Business Information Review (BIR) survey shows that information services are, as yet, little involved in big data projects. BIR also highlights other areas where info pros may be missing out, and reports that the most successful information services are the ones that are adding value through activities well outside their comfort zone.



Jan Knight Mini Review: Statista
8th May 2013

If you love statistics and quantitative data, you need to check out Statista. Statista, Inc. is a leading online statistics provider covering a wide range of industries and topics and whose product provides an almost dizzying array of statistical charts, tables and reports on a large number of industries and topics from administration and agriculture to travel and tourism.
