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Anne Jordan Source Update August 2013: What's Happening with Factiva?
8th August 2013

This month's additions and takedowns in Factiva, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



James Mullan Nurturing Knowledge Sharing in Law Firms
7th August 2013

The legal sector and law firms can be an interesting environment to work in. One of the benefits is that law firms are usually full of very intelligent individuals who are committed to advancing their understanding of law and how it affects their clients. There are also large numbers of support staff who provide invaluable support to these lawyers. Together these individuals have a wealth of knowledge and experience that they're just waiting to share with their colleagues. Or they would be if it wasn't for the numerous barriers that exist within law firms that disrupt knowledge sharing.



Anne Jordan Source Update August 2013: What's Happening with Nexis?
6th August 2013

This month's additions and takedowns in Nexis, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



Willem Noorlander Five Themes in Understanding Value
5th August 2013

Bill Noorlander explains why isolating "value" when purchasing information is so very complex and reports on a recent FreePint Webinar: What Do You Already Know About Value?, where he outlined how setting a "value" on information purchases is influenced by areas such as mathematics, measurement, accounting, culture and management. Developing guidelines in each of these areas can help to move towards shared understanding of value within your own organisation.



Perrin Kerravala Product Review of Global Financial Data: Executive Summary
5th August 2013

Author Perrin Kerravala's executive summary of Global Financial Data Inc. (GFD), shows how the provider of financial and economic time-series data widely used by investment firms and academic organisations is unique in being able to provide rare data, including time-series that are several hundred years old, and data extensions on current series. The simple interface empowers users to obtain raw, reliable information to conduct analyses of company or market performance over several business cycles.



Anne Jordan Source Update August 2013: What's Happening with and
5th August 2013

This month's additions and takedowns in and, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan. is the European version of the solution.



Perrin Kerravala Product Review of Global Financial Data: Customer Support, Licensing & Pricing
2nd August 2013

Author Perrin Kerravala outlines Global Financial Data's customer service and licensing options. GFD is a provider of a vast amount of time-series financial markets and economic data, with over 135,000 discrete data series and regular new additions.



James Mullan Is it Time for LinkedIn Endorsements to Prove their Worth?
1st August 2013

The endorsements feature on LinkedIn is increasingly becoming an integral and popular part of the networking tool. James Mullan discusses the value employers put on endorsements and how endorsements may lead to deeper engagement and better links with other professionals.



Perrin Kerravala Product Review of Global Financial Data: Search Results & Outputs, User Interface & Special Functionality
1st August 2013

Perrin Kerravala evaluates Global Financial Data’s search results and export options; and discusses GFD's unique reporting, charting and administrative management capabilities. GFD is a provider of a vast amount of time-series financial markets and economic data, with over 135,000 discrete data series and regular new additions.
