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Victoria Meyer Linguistic Identity Matching
7th October 2013

This article looks at the modern, linguistic approach to identity matching that has improved both the precision and the recall of compliance screening systems. It considers the different sources of variation in the ways identity details can be presented, and goes on to look at the most effective ways of addressing them. The ideas presented here are taken from "Linguistic Identity Matching" by Lisbach and Meyer (2013).



Sophie Alexander Is Our Private Data Due to Become More Open?
7th October 2013

Data privacy has been in the headlines once again and more consumers are beginning to recognise the commercial value of their data. Will recent government initiatives, such as the UK's midata and the US MyData, and the EU's proposed data protection laws be the impetus companies need to rethink their personal data strategies?



Shimrit Janes News Aggregation Solution Gives City Law Firm RPC a Competitive Edge
7th October 2013

As with any technology, simply purchasing and rolling out news aggregation software is not enough to answer the business requirements for which it was chosen. This case study will look at how law firm RPC integrated enterprise RSS feeder "Attensa" with its own bespoke social intranet "Edge" in order to help provide business context to incoming news. The study will also demonstrate how the news aggregation application is just one tool within a larger knowledge management programme, which seeks to harness social software to encourage the flow of information and knowledge within and across the firm’s networks.



Anne Jordan Source Update October 2013: What's Happening with Factiva?
4th October 2013

This month's additions and takedowns in Factiva, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



Sarah Dillingham iOS 7: the Importance of Usability and Accessibility
4th October 2013

Apple's recent launch of its iOS 7 software and reports of associated motion sickness have thrust usability issues into the spotlight. Sarah Dillingham delves into accessibility and usability issues which website and intranet designers should consider, whether considering disabilities or employee productivity. 



Anne Jordan Source Update October 2013: What's Happening with EBSCO?
3rd October 2013

This month's additions and changes in EBSCO, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



Sophie Alexander Q&A with Bureau van Dijk: An Efficient Catalyst For More Connected Data
3rd October 2013

Bureau van Dijk (BvD) offers compliance products which help companies minimise risk exposure and reputational damage within the areas of Anti-Money Laundering, Know Your Customer, due diligence and compliance research. FreePint's interview with BvD's Neil Farquhar examines what differentiates the company's compliance products, including their latest offering, Compliance Catalyst, and what changes it expects to see in the next few years.



Anne Jordan Source Update October 2013: What's Happening with Nexis?
2nd October 2013

This month's additions and takedowns in Nexis, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



Victoria Meyer Supporting the AML Compliance Screening Process
30th September 2013

Intelligence screening is the cornerstone of many organisations' Anti-Money Laundering (AML) programmes. In this article Victoria Meyer looks at the key requirements for an effective screening system: comprehensive intelligence data, appropriate search tools and decision support functionality.



James Mullan Making the Most of Your Intranet Search
30th September 2013

Whilst users might complain about many things associated with your intranet, it's likely that the most complaints are around users finding information, or not finding information. An intranet search tool can help address the issue of users not being able to find information. If poorly managed or not developed properly, it can seriously undermine the use of the intranet as a whole. So what steps can intranet managers take to make the most of an intranet search tool?
