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Sophie Alexander Stirring the Cookie Mix: Google and Data Protection
22nd November 2013

With the European Parliament recently passing a vote on the future of privacy and data protection rules in Europe, this article examines some of the shortcomings of the proposed rules such as their ability to be bypassed by national security and the various transatlantic agreements between the UK and US. It also looks at the implications of Google’s latest data protection concessions in the form of its new data processing agreement for European users of Analytics and speculation over its anonymous online identifier system called AdID.



Robin Neidorf FreePint News Survey 2013. Results: Key News Suppliers and Satisfaction
22nd November 2013

Which are the preferred premium aggregator products used for news awareness, which are secondary or supplemental and how satisfied are information managers with the service and functionality they receive? Continuing her analysis of data garnered in FreePint's Sixth Annual News Needs & Preferences Survey, Robin Neidorf reports on these issues and also examines which products are held in particular high regard for functions such as ease of search and overall value-for-money. We also asked respondents what they would change about their preferred product, with comments ranging from "improve functionality around group alerts" to "more foreign language content".



Sophie Alexander Product Review of Northern Light SinglePoint: Introduction, Value and FreePint's View
21st November 2013

The first part of Sophie Alexander's review of Northern Light's SinglePoint strategic research portal introduces the solution and gives FreePint's view of this fully customisable portal which aggregates news from the web, secondary research and a client's own internal market research. She also examines the value offered along with examples of return on investment from client case studies. Clients include Hewlett-Packard and Verizon along with other Fortune 100 market leading companies.



Tim Buckley Owen Cookies Headed for Waste Bin as Europe Gets Tougher on Privacy?
21st November 2013

The testing by FICO of its new Proximity Location Service may be good for fighting fraud but also raises privacy implications. However, new findings by Forbes Insights indicate that customers are less worried by privacy than sellers imagine, but still highlight the serious consequences for businesses of privacy missteps. Meanwhile Britain’s Information Commissioner has warned companies such as Google and Microsoft that the more effective replacements for cookies on which they are reported to be working will not escape regulation. And as the European Parliament votes for a complete overhaul of data protection rules, there are signs in the wake of the American spying scandal that Germany may insist on new privacy standards as part of the current European Union and United States trade talks.



Anne Lonergan Product Review of Nexis: UI, Help, Add-Ons, Pricing & Contact Details
20th November 2013

The user interface, help features and complementary products - Media Coverage Analyser, Company Dossier and Nexis Publisher - are under scrutiny in the final part of Anne Lonergan's review of online information source Nexis (known as in the US). Pricing options and contact information are also provided.



James Mullan Managing Intranets the Wikipedia Way!
20th November 2013

It would seem it's the month for websites and blogs to publish useful content on how to manage intranets and the latest article James Mullan highlights is no exception. He looks at some of the techniques that have been used on one of the world's most edited websites - Wikipedia - and how they could be used when managing intranets.



Jantinus Meints From Content Cost to Value: the Rise of the Content Adviser
18th November 2013

Jantinus Meints of EY explains how the company's content procurement process aims to meet the dual requirements of negotiating a good price on content licences and identifying the content that aligns with the professional services firm's strategy. He also explores the impact of the move from tangible to intangible content and the importance of optimising content purchases through a portfolio approach.



Anne Lonergan Product Review of Nexis: Search & Output Options
18th November 2013

Continuing her review of global news and business resource Nexis (known as in the US), Anne Lonergan looks at the search and output options available. She covers the classic results page and the new search results page, which offers features such as the ability to view information in column format, to make it easier to scan through the results. You can also preview articles from the new results page.



Robin Neidorf FreePint News Survey 2013. Results: Purchase Criteria
18th November 2013

We asked respondents to FreePint's Sixth Annual News Needs & Preferences Survey what importance they placed on different variables when purchasing premium news content. The variables range from advanced searching capabilities and customisation options to integration with internal tools and workflow. This year we added three new variables to reflect the changing landscape: ability to distribute or reuse results, inclusion of specific source, and coverage of specific geographic regions.



Sophie Alexander Prepare for the Continued Rise of Social Media in the Workplace
18th November 2013

As the use of social media in the workplace continues to rise, a recent survey finds that more than half of companies still don’t carry out an adequate social media risk assessment.  This article discusses the results of that survey along with a recent High Court case involving LinkedIn which highlights just how important it is for companies to have a social media policy in place along with some of the benefits of having one and what it should include.
