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James Mullan Mining for Knowledge Management Nuggets
13th February 2014

James Mullan examines what knowledge managers can learn from the "sandbox" game Minecraft where users are encouraged to be creative and learn from their mistakes as they survive and thrive through gathering resources. Should KM professionals spend more time proactively collecting knowledge instead of focusing on fulfilling research requests or specific outcomes?



Rebecca O'Reilly Capco's Bespoke Collaboration Platform for Knowledge Sharing
12th February 2014

The need for connectivity and knowledge-sharing amongst a geographically diverse workforce proved a difficult challenge to overcome for Capco. Eventually, a bespoke tool called CapInTouch, crafted by one consultant, became one of the key business tools by which the organisation now communicates. What truly made a difference in encouraging Capco to embrace CapInTouch was how it brought together individuals and formed communities that were tailored to the user, reflecting the culture of innovation at the heart of the firm.



Tim Buckley Owen Facebook - Not Quite So Good for Business, Perhaps
11th February 2014

Facebook may be riding high at the moment, with record revenues and usage, but one study from Princeton University suggests that its user base may be declining. Even if this is overstating the case, Facebook is currently facing legal action over its use of personal data, on which its entire business model is based, at a time of increased public scepticism over advertising and marketing, and a growing recognition by individuals that their personal data is an asset to be managed. Further findings from Florida State University that Facebook has little value to recruiters in predicting job candidates' performance suggest that it is time for a reappraisal of the use of social media generally.



James Mullan Is There Really an Alternative to SharePoint?
11th February 2014

For many organisations SharePoint has proved itself an invaluable tool for facilitating collaboration and improving the way knowledge and other content is shared. In addition to this SharePoint has also begun to develop its social offering, especially with the purchase and integration of Yammer. Whilst SharePoint has much to offer, many organisations choose not to use SharePoint because of its complexity. So the question is, is there really an alternative to SharePoint?



Anne Jordan Source Update February 2014: What's Happening with and
7th February 2014

This month's additions and takedowns in and, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan. is the European version of the solution.



Anne Jordan Source Update February 2014: What's Happening with Factiva?
6th February 2014

This month's additions and takedowns in Factiva, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



Richard Hare What's the Problem with Enterprise Social?
5th February 2014

Richard Hare looks at the development of social computing tools over the past 10 years and asks whether they are failing to deliver or whether we are using the wrong measures. He discusses what makes a tool social, what makes social tools different from others and the benefits of creating an enterprise which is social.



Anne Jordan Source Update February 2014: What's Happening with Nexis?
5th February 2014

This month's additions and takedowns in Nexis, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



Sophie Alexander Rethinking Personal Data
4th February 2014

Recent reports show that people are more concerned than ever about their online personal data but it's businesses rather than government that people distrust the most. With more people choosing to avoid companies they don't trust to protect their privacy, this is a reminder that businesses need to rethink how they manage customers' personal data.



Tim Buckley Owen Privacy - Comply If You Want to Stay in Business
3rd February 2014

Privacy and data protection remain hot issues, likely to impose greater costs and regulatory burdens on business. The European Commission has given the United States Department of Commerce until summer to come up with improvements to the Safe Harbor scheme, and the Federal Trade Commission has issued assurances that the scheme is a priority. Meanwhile the heads of the US Department of Justice and National Security Agency have just agreed to allow internet companies to disclose more to the public about official demands for personal data, and Microsoft has broken ranks with competitors by allowing customer data to be stored outside the US.
