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Jan Knight Product Review of DiscoverOrg: Introduction and Contact Details
14th May 2014

DiscoverOrg is a web-based sales and marketing intelligence tool supporting sales and marketing processes for IT companies. Jan Knight introduces the company and product which is used mainly by IT vendors & consultants, IT departments and staffing companies.



James Mullan Is Enterprise Social Networking a Must?
13th May 2014

The FreePint Topic Series: The Social Enterprise recently looked at some of the ways in which organisations are maximising internal social connections and knowledge management. James Mullan examines whether an enterprise social networking tool is a must-have and what the benefits are for organisations.



Chris Porter Media Intelligence Providers Vocus and Cision Set to Join Forces
13th May 2014

A major change in the media intelligence market is looming as leading players Cision and Vocus are expected to come together under the ownership of private equity company GTCR. While a rival takeover bid from Meltwater does not look set for success, quite a competitive shake-up could still be on the cards, Chris Porter says.



Anne Jordan Source Update for and
12th May 2014

This month's additions and takedowns in and, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan. is the European version of the solution.



Tim Buckley Owen Algorithms - Humans Need Not Apply
12th May 2014

As the European Parliament approves proposals to regulate high frequency algorithmic trading, Tim Buckley Owen reviews other recent developments in software that employs big data analytics to trigger automated responses. The benefits of applications such as ensuring quality control in data scraped from the web or detecting potential credit card fraud may be obvious. But others - such as employing the Internet of Things to exploit fleeting "business moments" as sales opportunities - may not be quite so clear cut. Tim argues that the information profession ought to have a view on when things can safely be done algorithmically and when human intervention is required.



Anne Jordan Source Update for Factiva
9th May 2014

This month's additions and takedowns in Factiva, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



James Mullan Sharing Knowledge Can Be Very Personal
9th May 2014

Why and how do individuals share knowledge within your organisation? It's a question that many knowledge professionals have asked themselves over the years and will continue to ask. The ways in which individuals can share and save knowledge has changed significantly with the introduction of social tools like enterprise social networks, microblogs and wikis. Does providing users with social tools actually result in them sharing less?



Anne Jordan Source Update for Nexis
8th May 2014

This month's additions and takedowns in Nexis, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



Elizabeth Trudell Collecting, Assessing and Organising Data for Competitive Intelligence
7th May 2014

Libby Trudell discusses a range of techniques used in competitive intelligence research to identify the best sources and find relevant content. She considers ways to assess information from various sources for quality and comprehensiveness, and how to organise it for ongoing needs. The article also identifies a range of useful data sources relevant to CI research, from market research reports to media coverage and financial sources.
