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Sophie Alexander Product Review of Cipher Systems' Knowledge.Works: Sources, Content and Coverage
20th May 2014

The second part of Sophie Alexander's review of Cipher Systems' Knowledge.Works competitive intelligence solution looks at the dashboard and integrated translation tool. The wide range of information sources that can be included, tagged and indexed are discussed along with the extensive customisation options.



James Mullan Why We Don't ALL Love Our Intranets
20th May 2014

An organisation's intranet should be one of its most well-used resources. But more often than not, If you ask someone what they think of it, they're more likely to say "I hate it" or "It's a mess" or "I can't find anything" than shower it with praise. Intranets should be helping individuals within enterprises to get their work done, whether organising content, storing, sharing or finding information. Intranets should also help us connect with our colleagues across teams and offices. James Mullan explains the main reasons why intranets don't live up to expectations



James Mullan Library as a Service... the Next Big Thing?
19th May 2014

SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, and CaaS... you would be forgiven for not knowing what all of these acronyms mean given that it seems barely a week passes without a new one being introduced. The majority of these terms relate to services available in the cloud and now a new option has been introduced which may well have a significant impact on the work undertaken by libraries and library teams. Library as a Service (LaaS) was recently launched by LAC Group, powered by Manzama for client intelligence.



Tim Buckley Owen Privacy - Ignorance is Bliss (for Info Pros)
19th May 2014

While the law on privacy may be complicated, the issue is straightforward: people are increasingly concerned to protect it. In the United States, a new White House survey shows how little people trust institutions to protect their data - but can their government offer the reassurance they need when it's one of the biggest offenders? In Europe, comprehensive data protection regulation is on the way - but a new survey shows that nearly half of British companies don't know anything about it. As global players like Facebook, Yahoo, Apple and Microsoft turn every which way to address the issue, and one woman's experiment to hide her pregnancy from the big data marketers proves just too difficult, there are opportunities for information professionals to keep track of it all.



Chris Porter William Lewis Settles In as Dow Jones CEO
19th May 2014

As Will Lewis is appointed CEO of Dow Jones on a permanent basis, Chris Porter examines the likely impact on the business information provider's customers. Institutional purchasers of products such as Factiva and Dow Jones Newswires have, in recent years, faced uncertainty over the Factiva/DJX offer and changes in company leadership.



Sophie Alexander Product Review of Cipher Systems' Knowledge.Works: Introduction and Contact Details
16th May 2014

Knowledge.Works is a relational database that helps in the competitive intelligence process by offering a single point of search across all data sources, allowing more time for analysis. In the first part of her review, Sophie Alexander looks at the company and its users as well as some of its newest features such as the new report wizard, integrated translation tool and keyword tree.



Jan Knight Product Review of DiscoverOrg: Sources, Content and Coverage
16th May 2014

DiscoverOrg's sales intelligence tool offers hard-to-find data on IT departments in a wide variety of business segments across private and public companies plus higher education and government organisations. In the second part of her review Jan Knight examines the sources, datasets and research process.



Marc Limacher Developing & Leveraging Your Primary Source Network for High Impact Competitive Intelligence
15th May 2014

Marc Limacher identifies how to cultivate a network of internal and external primary sources for a competitive intelligence early warning system, how to foster a CI culture and how to leverage insights for maximum impact. He demonstrates how human intelligence can provide critical competitive advantage.



Tim Buckley Owen Whose Identity Is It Anyway?
14th May 2014

Ever-increasing regulatory and compliance requirements mean that the identity and access management (IAM) market continues to grow rapidly. But the millennial generation, used to controlling its own identity across multiple platforms through one social log-in, could be about to break the current top-down approach. Tim Buckley Owen charts the growing phenomenon of Bring Your Own Identity (BYOID), and notes that when employees do eventually take their identity from job to job in the same way as they take their mobile phone now, IT departments risk losing control of IAM and employers could even find themselves having to bid for access to employee identities.



Penny Crossland OSIRA - a New Champion for Information Professionals
14th May 2014

Penny Crossland reports on the inaugural conference of OSIRA, a new professional body representing practitioners and vendors involved in open source intelligence. The two day conference in London highlighted the complex issues of ethics and privacy, especially in today's digital landscape and provided the audience with case studies on cyber security and investigative research.
