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Anne Jordan Source Update for ProQuest
3rd June 2014

This month's additions and takedowns in ProQuest, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



Sophie Alexander Net Neutrality or a Two-Tier Internet?
2nd June 2014

With the issue of net neutrality in the news once again, Sophie Alexander looks at the recent decisions of the European Parliament and the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and explores some of the possible implications for consumers and smaller businesses if higher fees are charged for higher speeds.



Yulia Aspinall Product Review of ScienceDirect Reference Modules: Sources, Content and Coverage
2nd June 2014

Yulia Aspinall continues her review of Reference Modules, a reference solution integrated into Elsevier's ScienceDirect platform. She looks at the articles, images and contributors included in the two modules already available to researchers (Chemistry, Molecular Sciences & Chemical Engineering; and Earth Systems & Environmental Sciences) as well as the editorial boards of subject-matter experts.



Chris Porter Product Review of Avention: Introduction and Contact Details
2nd June 2014

Chris Porter looks at the new Avention product, a B2B information service providing information about companies, executives and industries which is the successor to the OneSource Business Browser and iSell products. The service is aimed in particular at sales and marketing professionals and researchers.



Wayne Jones Turn Your Insights into Action with the Latest Tools for CI Communication
29th May 2014

Competitive intelligence professionals face an uphill battle communicating their insights to internal stakeholders and inspiring action. New tools and techniques for effective communication can help ensure that your message is heard and acted upon. Wayne Jones highlights some of the best new tools, including Perspective, Prezi and Tableau as well as highlighting new visualisation features in well-known tools such as Excel.



James Mullan Forget BYOD and COPE, It's Time for BYOID
29th May 2014

First we had Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and Corporate Owned Personally Enabled (COPE), now organisations are looking at the idea of users bringing their own identity (BYOID). BYOID is a relatively new concept which is being used to describe how consumers are increasingly using social media credentials to log into other sites. But what, if anything, is the impact of BYOID going to be for organisations?



Yulia Aspinall Product Review of ScienceDirect Reference Modules: Introduction and Contact Details
29th May 2014

Yulia Aspinall introduces Reference Modules, a reference solution integrated into Elsevier's ScienceDirect platform. Two modules are already available to researchers (Chemistry, Molecular Sciences & Chemical Engineering; and Earth Systems & Environmental Sciences) with more planned.



Sophie Alexander The Right to be Forgotten - Implications for Businesses
27th May 2014

This article discusses the recent ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union in relation to Google and the right to be forgotten and looks at some of the possible privacy and compliance implications for individuals and businesses.
