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Tim Buckley Owen Privileged Users and Threats to Confidential Data
10th June 2014

One of the biggest risks of corporate data theft comes from privileged insiders looking at stuff they shouldn't - sometimes out of simple curiosity. As ever, technology is only part of the solution; so too is having a proper access policy and monitoring staff behaviour. With a growing number of people having their personal data compromised, United States officials are calling for a proper system of data breach notification. Meanwhile Britain (which supposedly has one already) is worried that most organisations keep their worst breaches secret. They may not be too bothered about fines, Britain's privacy boss says - but they are worried about their reputation.



Andrew Lucas Big Data Bonanza - But Only for Those With High Quality Data
10th June 2014

The opportunity for organisations to benefit from big data may be limited by poor data quality. Over a third of companies face data problems and fewer than 20% have high quality data. The cost to organisations of poor data is substantial. For marketing data the majority of databases surveyed were found to be lacking basic data. It is more cost-effective to prevent data problems than to try to fix them.



Marc Limacher The Case for Systematic Primary Intelligence Tracking with Tangible ROI
9th June 2014

Marc Limacher explores the importance of a systematic Competitive Intelligence capability for the biotech and life sciences industry - in order to support future-oriented decisions, to out-think the competition, or allocate R&D resources appropriately. He also highlights how important CI is in the IT industry with its short product lifecycles. The need to adhere to a code of ethics and ways to ethically and legally collect CI data are also discussed.



Anne Jordan Source Update for Factiva
6th June 2014

The latest additions and takedowns in Factiva, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



Chris Porter Product Review of Avention: Technology: Search, Outputs & Alerts, User Interface & Help
5th June 2014

The third part of Chris Porter's review looks at the searching, filtering and monitoring capabilities within Avention, the successor to the OneSource Business Browser and iSell products, looking in particular at four new technology capabilities which the vendor has announced.



Sophie Alexander Personal and Professional Identities Merge: Bring Your Own ID
5th June 2014

Sophie Alexander examines the current state of Bring Your Own Identity (BYOID) and why it's becoming increasingly important for organisations, as individuals start to use social logins to access both personal and professional services. The article looks at some of the pros and cons involved as well as possible solutions to reduce risk and avoid identity theft.



Yulia Aspinall Product Review of ScienceDirect Reference Modules: Technology: Search, Outputs & Alerts, User Interface & Help
5th June 2014

The third part of Yulia Aspinall's review of Reference Modules, a reference solution integrated into Elsevier's ScienceDirect platform, covers the technology, search and output options available in the two modules already available to researchers (Chemistry, Molecular Sciences & Chemical Engineering; and Earth Systems & Environmental Sciences).



Anne Jordan Source Update for Nexis
5th June 2014

The latest additions and takedowns in Nexis, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



Chris Porter Product Review of Avention: Sources, Content and Coverage
4th June 2014

Chris Porter looks at company, executive, news and industry content coverage in Avention, the B2B company information service which is the successor to the OneSource Business Browser and iSell products.



Shimrit Janes Four Components of "Value" Essential for Meaningful Conversations with Stakeholders
4th June 2014

Having a meaningful conversation about what value is requires a strong foundation of understanding your stakeholders, their objectives, and being able to define precisely what is meant by "value" in different contexts. Based on a FreePint Community of Practice on Determining, Discussing, and Measuring Value, there are a number of practical key tips and lessons for information professionals to take away and put into practice within their own organisations.
