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Chris Porter Product Review of Precise MediaPlatform+ (Introduction; Contact Details)
18th June 2014

Chris Porter introduces Precise MediaPlatform+, a subscription-based, web-delivered service for PR and corporate communications professionals as well as brand and marketing teams and sales professionals.



James Mullan Information Management Trends and Developments
17th June 2014

The last few years have seen the way we manage information within our organisations change considerably. On the back of numerous technological advances organisations now see information management as a cornerstone of how they deliver insights, value and ultimately remain competitive in the marketplace. So what are some of the technological trends that have thrust information management firmly into the spotlight? James Mullan discusses big data, agile software development and business intelligence.



Sophie Alexander Product Review of Corporate Affiliations (Introduction; Contact Details)
17th June 2014

Corporate Affiliations is a cloud-based business information database that enables searching on the world’s leading public and private companies. With listings for all major publicly traded companies with US-located headquarters, it provides company profiles on over one million parent and subsidiary businesses worldwide along with over 1.7 million personnel profiles, including 140,000 C-level executives and directors of these companies.



James Mullan The Principles of Intranet Content Management
16th June 2014

Content management is something that information professionals across different organisations have been doing for years. However, sometimes it's important to remind ourselves of the defining principles of content management as these can often be forgotten during our day-to-day work. So what are these principles and what steps do organisations need to undertake to ensure they're managing intranet content correctly?



Robin Neidorf Performance Evaluation: Cision and Meltwater
13th June 2014

FreePint compares the media monitoring results produced by two of the key vendors we are most frequently asked about: Cision and Meltwater. The use cases covered consumer and business brands across traditional and social media.



Chris Porter Product Review of Avention: Value, Competitors, Development & Pricing
12th June 2014

Author Chris Porter assesses how the Avention service presents itself in relation to other offerings and where it fits in the range of other company information services, from news-focused aggregators to financial market data specialists.



Perrin Kerravala Mini Review: WordsAnalytics
12th June 2014

Author Perrin Kerravala reviews WordsAnalytics, a powerful text mining tool for SEC filings. Featuring impressive capabilities such as Compare Reports, Sentiment Scores and Find Similar Paragraphs, WordsAnalytics is ideally suited for due diligence compliance and competitive intelligence research.



Yulia Aspinall Product Review of ScienceDirect Reference Modules: Value, Competitors, Development & Pricing
11th June 2014

The value, competitors and pricing of Reference Modules are explored in the final part of Yulia Aspinall's review of this reference solution integrated into Elsevier's ScienceDirect platform. Two modules are already available to researchers (Chemistry, Molecular Sciences & Chemical Engineering; and Earth Systems & Environmental Sciences).
