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Yulia Aspinall Product Review of Cortellis (Technology - Search, Outputs & Alerts, User Interface & Help)
16th July 2014

Technology, search options and usage reporting are under scrutiny in the third part of Yulia Aspinall's review of the Cortellis solutions for the life sciences industry from Thomson Reuters. She also explores areas such as ease of navigation and visualisation options.



James Mullan The Right to Anonymity on the Internet
15th July 2014

Recently there has been a slew of articles discussing the right of individuals to have details about themselves removed from Google search results and the internet. This follows a recent "right to be forgotten" European Court of Justice judgment which ruled that Google must amend some search results at the request of "ordinary" people. James Mullan discusses what rights we have to remain anonymous and looks at the impact for enterprises who are trying to encourage users to post content to enterprise social networks and other social tools.



Tim Buckley Owen Official - You Don't Need Permission to Use the Web
14th July 2014

Just when it is OK to make use of content without the permission of the copyright holder? As one new service launches to help end users access the content they need and - crucially - let them know exactly what they may and may not do with it, a long-standing dispute over rights to news content seems to have come to an end. It may seem pretty obvious that you don't need the permission of the copyright holder for what you view online, but a new European Court ruling seems to have established the principle once and for all.



Yulia Aspinall Product Review of Cortellis (Sources - Content & Coverage)
14th July 2014

The content and sources of the Cortellis solutions for the life sciences industry are highlighted in the second part of Yulia Aspinall's review. She also looks at how the information is presented, analysis and visualisation options and how frequently the content is updated.



James Mullan Legal Knowledge Management in 2014 and Beyond...
11th July 2014

James Mullan has been writing about knowledge management and specifically about KM in law firms for some time now. During his career the landscape within law firms has changed significantly, both in terms of technology used and the internal and external factors that are influencing how these firms operate. He now looks at what knowledge managers within law firms can expect in 2014 and beyond.



Tim Buckley Owen Big Data Analytics - Are There Still Things that the Software Can't Do?
10th July 2014

Where big data is concerned, bosses increasingly prefer relevant insights over simply more of them. As new analytical products continue to appear, technology has its part to play - but a new book from a perhaps unexpected source makes clear that it's the humans who need to have the last word. One blogger's insights into the war in Syria demonstrate the effectiveness of employing brain power to engage in open source intelligence using social media forensics. And you also have to wonder whether it's unduly optimistic to assume that sentiment analytics software will be up to the job yet of detecting sarcasm.



Yulia Aspinall Product Review of Cortellis (Introduction; Contact Details)
10th July 2014

Yulia Aspinall introduces the Cortellis solutions for the life sciences industry, offering data from areas such as drug monographs, company records, patent reports, deal reports, regulations and generics activity. Information on more than 50,000 investigational drugs, 400,000 bioactive compounds, and 6 million biologically active patents is included. The platform contains over 15 million expert-curated reports featuring deal information, patents, literature and clinical trials data.



Jan Knight Product Review of StrategyEye Digital Media (Value - Competitors, Development & Pricing)
9th July 2014

The competitor landscape and product maturity of StrategyEye Digital Media are examined in the final part of Jan Knight's review of this business intelligence (BI) product. She also looks at the value it offers corporate clients and investors interested in data and insights on technology companies, particularly those in start-up phase or are innovators or disruptors.



Tim Buckley Owen News - Less and Less Safe?
9th July 2014

Recent revelations that one search engine is already removing links to news in response to the European Court's "right to be forgotten" ruling, and that a major social media provider has been conducting an emotional impact experiment by tinkering with users' feeds, raise important issues about the integrity of news. As another study reveals that journalists are now more likely to source news from social media and less likely to check it - despite its known unreliability - there are new challenges for information professionals in how they source and disseminate news within their own organisations, and how they encourage end-users to evaluate it.
