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Cathy Chiba Product Review of Innography (Introduction; Contact Details)
31st July 2014

Cathy Chiba introduces Innography and some of its key intellectual property products: Advanced Analysis, Innography Explorer and PatentScout. Innography’s software combines patent data with key business, scientific, and technical information to enable rapid insights for decision-making.



James Mullan Selling Knowledge Management Within Your Organisation
31st July 2014

One of the biggest challenges that knowledge managers often face is selling knowledge management within their organisation. Whilst the managers can be as enthusiastic as they like about KM and the benefits it brings, many people have argued that efforts to sell it within organisations should be focused on several key groups. James Mullan explores which are the key stakeholders and how can knowledge managers can effectively sell knowledge within their organisations.



Chris Porter Product Review of Reg-Track (Value - Competitors, Development & Pricing)
31st July 2014

In the final part of his review, author Chris Porter assesses how the Reg-Track regulatory tracking and compliance service helps users in the financial services industry to improve business efficiency and reduce regulatory and reputational risk.



Chris Porter Product Review of Reg-Track (Technology - Search, Outputs & Alerts, User Interface & Help)
29th July 2014

The third part of this review by Chris Porter looks at the searching, filtering and output capabilities of the Reg-Track regulatory compliance tracking service, which has both web-based and API delivery options.



Michael Smith Information Support in the Product Lifecycle
25th July 2014

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is a strategy which integrates people, processes and business systems into the workflow. It allows disparate communications systems access to product knowledge and to integrate the results of related research; contributing the enabling technology for information to serve as a central hub for collaborative design and development. Author Michael Smith also considers organisational barriers to collaboration, and how these can affect the timeliness and relevance of design decisions and their effect on deliverables and cost models.



Andrew Lucas Changing Compliance Culture in the Financial Sector
24th July 2014

In a speech at the annual Thomson Reuters Compliance & Risk Summit Tracey McDermott of the UK Financial Conduct Authority spoke about the change in focus of the regulator towards corporate culture and the enforcement of personal liability by management. The shift from rules-based regulation to the harder to measure compliance culture may require information managers to review the compliance information in their organisation and who receives it.



Chris Porter Product Review of Reg-Track (Sources - Content & Coverage)
24th July 2014

In the second part of his review, Chris Porter looks at content coverage in Reg-Track, a regulatory tracking service aimed at compliance professionals focused on the financial services industry. With a focus on the largest financial markets, such as those within North America, the European Union and Asia-Pacific, Reg-Track is also expanding its coverage to additional regulators.



Tim Buckley Owen Are We Becoming Too Scared of Security to Benefit from Big Data?
24th July 2014

Information assets are in the hands of the right people to safeguard them but the wrong people to manage their exploitation concludes an influential new study. As reports continue to emerge of apparent corporate paralysis in the face of cyber security threats, Tim Buckley Owen wonders whether the emphasis hasn't swung too far in that direction, and sees opportunities for information professionals in helping to strike a balance between security in the cloud and effective data analysis for competitive advantage.



James Mullan Effective Collaboration Isn't Always About the Tools
24th July 2014

When companies begin to take their first tentative steps with collaboration a first thought is often - what tool shall we use to facilitate collaboration within our organisation? James Mullan argues that the first step should be to think about what problems the collaboration tools are going to solve and what your ultimate goal is so that you can develop a plan and a strategy for the implementation of these types of tools.
