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Cathy Chiba Product Review of Innography (Technology - PatentScout; FreePint's View)
14th August 2014

In the eighth part of her review of Innography, Cathy Chiba introduces PatentScout, a secure, private alternative to free online patent databases. She looks into the features designed to encourage user adoption and reduce the administrative load of policing corporate usage of free online tools - and explains why IP-savvy organisations will find this tool of interest.



James Mullan How to Avoid Collaboration Fatigue
14th August 2014

We all understand - or at least think we understand - the benefits of collaboration, and in the last 10 years the collaboration industry has done a fantastic job of delivering a range of tools that have made it easier and easier for team members to collaborate with fewer and fewer barriers. Today the unified communications tools and systems we have available in our organisations have virtually eliminated the barriers to both collaborating with colleagues and sharing knowledge. However is there a dark side to collaboration that we dare not write about until now, the idea of collaboration fatigue.



Cathy Chiba Product Review of Innography (Technology - Innography Explorer; FreePint's View)
13th August 2014

The seventh part of Cathy Chiba's review of Innography examines Innography Explorer, the application for R&D teams and technical decision-makers, which provides features for secure collaboration as well as workflow templates for idea validation and invention disclosure preparation. She also gives FreePint's View of Advanced Analysis and Innography Explorer.



Darren Hickman The KYC Conundrum - Should You Outsource?
13th August 2014

Darren Hickman examines whether companies should carry out Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures in-house or whether they should embrace outsourcing. He explains the options, the pitfalls and where to start. A useful market overview of the key providers and key technologies is included along with a checklist to identify the true costs of current processes.



Cathy Chiba Product Review of Innography (Technology - Advanced Analysis, Results Display & Outputs)
13th August 2014

In the sixth part of her review of Innography, Cathy Chiba takes a close look at Advanced Analysis, the suite of intellectual property research, analysis, visualisation, and workflow tools for business decision makers. She looks at features such as interactive data visualisations, Company Comparisons, and CustomStrength (where users create their own algorithmic approaches to IP objectives). Cathy also puts Innography Playbooks through their paces, to see how the workflow facilitation tools work for different scenarios. Finally the administration of user accounts, security and help options are discussed.



James Mullan BYOD Brings Challenges to IT Departments
13th August 2014

FreePint writers have been commenting on the subject of Bring Your Own Device for a number of years now but whilst  the concepts have been around for a number of years, it's only now that we're beginning to see both the true value and the issues organisations have with BYOD. IT departments, in particular, have been at the forefront of the adoption of BYOD within organisations, but for many IT departments it can be a challenge to manage the huge number of devices that individuals now have whilst ensuring security especially in relation to access is still taken seriously. James Mullan asks why BYOD can be such a nightmare for IT departments and as a consequence for those individuals who might want to use their own device.



Cathy Chiba Product Review of Innography (Technology - Advanced Analysis, Inputs & Search)
12th August 2014

In the fifth part of her review of Innography, Cathy Chiba takes a close look at the technology elements of Advanced Analysis, as well as target users and use cases for this enterprise level decision-support tool for intellectual property business intelligence. She also examines the search workflow, language customisation options and advanced search options. Innography's proprietary Semantic Search is put through a thorough test.



Tim Buckley Owen The Internet of Things - Protect Your Wearable Technology
11th August 2014

Concerns about privacy and security where conventional mobile devices are concerned are being given greater urgency by the growth of wearable technology - the so-called Internet of Things (IoT). Regulatory authorities in Britain and the European Union are starting to take an interest, from both the data protection and intellectual property angles. But as Tim Buckley Owen discovers, related technological developments such as mobile wallets could threaten banks, and the control over your own big data that personal identity management can offer could expose the low value-add of much of the current credit rating marketplace.



Anne Jordan Source Update for Factiva
11th August 2014

The latest additions and takedowns in Factiva, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



Cathy Chiba Product Review of Innography (Technology - Why Use Innography?)
8th August 2014

In the fourth part of her review of Innography's intellectual property business intelligence platform, Cathy Chiba looks at the core products in Innography's intellectual property business intelligence (IPBI) platform: Advanced Analysis, Innography Explorer and PatentScout and outlines why they're valuable for organisations who need to make better decisions around intellectual property and R&D.
