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Andrew Lucas What Does it Take To Do Visualisation Well?
24th March 2015

Andrew Lucas considers how to make information visible and provides guidance on what it takes to do visualisation well. He also take a step-by-step approach to how you go about using visualisation tools (many of which are free) to turn data into graphics such as maps, charts, timelines and infographics. The visualisation features of products such as Tableau Software and NewsEdge are considered. He also highlights some of the free web data sources.



Sophie Alexander Case Studies - Selecting a Discovery Solution
23rd March 2015

As part of the "Making Information Visible" Topic Series, FreePint recently hosted a webinar featuring case studies from Cargill and Unilever which highlighted some of the issues and challenges they faced when selecting and implementing their chosen discovery technology solutions. Sophie Alexander highlights some of the key points from the webinar for those thinking of incorporating technology into visibility solutions.



Robin Neidorf News Strategy - Fit for the Future or Planning for the Past?
23rd March 2015

Robin Neidorf presents three main insights from the recent Topic Series "News, and Beyond". The article focuses on those areas which will have the biggest impact on trends affecting strategy, provision and deployment of news content within organisations in the coming year. Ways to check whether your new strategy is fit for the future rather than planning for the past are also included. Supplier pricing, current awareness and in-depth research needs are covered along with looking at the fundamental question of why news should be purchased by organisations.



Mirjam Wolfrum Insider Knowledge - Researching Brazil
20th March 2015

Before conducting research in Brazil you need to know some main information providers and the country's principles regarding access to information. This article provides a basic understanding of Brazilian economy and businesses and gives you a starting point for your research. As market of big global interest you might find that a lot of information on markets and industries is available in English. But you will also find that your research in English-only is limited. Mirjam Wolfrum identifies which kind of information you will be able to obtain from English resources and for which information need you should consider involving a local partner or a Portuguese-speaking information expert.



Andrew Lucas Mini Review of Tableau Desktop
19th March 2015

As part of the FreePint Topic Series "Making Information Visible", Andrew Lucas reviews Tableau Software's Desktop product, an easy, quick to install and use business intelligence and data visualisation application which is content-agnostic. The company mission is to "help people see and understand data", and Tableau is designed to be used by a wide range of business users and functions - any reasonably proficient Excel user can access its analytical and visualisation capabilities. Competitors in data visualisation range from those at the enterprise end such as IBM and Oracle to Salesforce Analytics Cloud and smaller competitors such as Qlik, Datawatch and Pentaho.



Chris Porter Q&A with Cision - Taking Social Media Monitoring to the Next Level
19th March 2015

Chris Porter talks to Scott Livingston, senior vice president of product marketing at Cision, about the vendor's view of evolving user needs relating to social media, and about plans for its own social media product capabilities following Cision's acquisition of specialised vendor Visible Technologies last year. The group also combines the assets of the predecessor Cision entity, US-based Vocus and London-based Gorkana, all of which already contained some social media-related tools.



Sophie Alexander Q&A with Lucidworks - Creating Actionable Insights from Data
17th March 2015

As part of the FreePint Topic Series "Making Information Visible", Sophie Alexander caught up with Will Hayes, CEO of Lucidworks, to discuss some of his thoughts on the issue of visibility within the enterprise. The importance of context, classification of data, and the role of natural language processing in search and discovery are considered along with the possibility of a privacy revolution.
