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Andrew Lucas Product review of ReferenceUSA (technology - search & user interface; outputs & alerts; administration)
8th August 2016

In part three of the Jinfo product review of online research tool ReferenceUSA, the search functionality and user interface of some of the main databases in the product are tested in detail, including US New Business, US Consumer/Lifestyle and US Healthcare. Outputs from the product and administration features, for both public library users and corporate clients, are also considered.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2703



Andrew Lucas Product review of ReferenceUSA (sources - content & coverage)
5th August 2016

Part two of Jinfo's product review of ReferenceUSA looks at the content and coverage of the online research tool that provides business and consumer data on millions of US and Canadian businesses, households, consumers, and doctors and dentists. The range of coverage drawn from public information and other sources is considered. It lists ReferenceUSA's databases and explains how the content is subject to verification through direct contact, and also gives instances in which the financial data figures are estimated.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2703



Andrew Lucas Product review of ReferenceUSA (key advantages; introduction; contact details)
4th August 2016

The first part of Jinfo's product review of ReferenceUSA, from parent company Infogroup, takes an overview of the online research tool that provides business and consumer data on millions of US and Canadian businesses, households, consumers, and doctors and dentists. It is made available to end users through 85% of large public libraries in the US, as well as to professional researchers and corporate subscribers; and typical users are small business owners, job seekers and prospective homeowners.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2703



Sophie Alexander Mini review of EditorEye Catalyst
4th August 2016

EditorEye Catalyst is a cloud-based platform which integrates global sources, premium publications and internal documents into a single content hub. Reviewer Sophie Alexander examines how successful it is at creating live alerts, curating newsletters and delivering into collaboration and CRM applications via the API.



Shimrit Janes Carrying out a current awareness needs assessment
29th July 2016

Current awareness can be a messy, difficult area to tackle. What are the different requirements? What is the value? How do you determine how effective your solutions are going to be? To help bring order to the chaos, Jinfo has developed a needs assessment methodology, which was shared and discussed in a recent Community session.



Irene Koren Keeping up with the changing face of news
28th July 2016

A recent Jinfo Webinar examined the evolution of Jinfo's findings on the changes that have occurred in current awareness, what the latest trends are and how Jinfo sees organisations responding to these trends.



Chris Porter Product review of OneSource platform (value - help & training; competitors; development; pricing)
27th July 2016

Concluding the review of company information platform OneSource from Avention, Chris Porter looks at help and training and developments since its launch two years ago. He covers competitors including Bureau van Dijk, D&B Hoover's, InsideView and DiscoverOrg, and pricing options.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2698
