
Grounded in original research, Jinfo Content helps you turn our insight into action on critical information challenges.

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Dr. Michelle Maxwell Revolutionising big pharma with big data, visualisation and analytics
25th November 2016

What impact is big data, data analytics and visualisation having on the pharmaceutical industry? How can big data be used to reduce silos and advance research? Michelle Maxwell outlines the challenges and the role of big data, and introduces some of the tools which can help whether at R&D or clinical trials stage.



Andrew Grave Overcoming common data analytics risks
23rd November 2016

A recent Jinfo Webinar addressed how to "Identify - and overcome - the most common data analytics risks". Andrew Grave reports - and highlights which areas the risks impact on and how to address risks and how to identify which you can address... and which you should prioritise.



Andrew Lucas Factiva - unleashing the power of data
18th November 2016

Andrew Lucas talks to William Ashworth, general manager, and Matthew Donahue, market specialist director, of Dow Jones's Knowledge and Insight division, about how Factiva is embracing data analytics as part of its initiative to "unlock the power of Factiva".



Chris Porter Natural Language Generation tools - focus on Automated Insights
18th November 2016

As part of the Jinfo Research Focus on data analytics, Chris Porter looks at tools for generating textual narratives automatically out of structured data. He also asks what role information professionals can play in implementing these tools and gets insights from NLG specialist Automated Insights.



Shimrit Janes Buyers and sellers collaborate on the data analytics challenge
17th November 2016

Shimrit Janes reports on how Jinfo Community sessions brought together data suppliers and data purchasers to share their concerns, their lessons learned, and to start to forge a way forward in areas such as data analytics, data resources and licensing terms.



Amy Affelt Librarians and data scientists - rivals, replacements, or reciprocal relationship?
15th November 2016

The skills required to work in data science are not dissimilar to those required of information professionals. Are librarians being replaced by data scientists? Or, are librarians actually working as data scientists?  Is it possible for the two to work side-by-side in complementary and mutually beneficial roles? Amy Affelt investigates.



Robin Neidorf Strategic planning - setting strategic objectives
14th November 2016

Use our "checklist for reframing value approach and measurement" to help you work through the components of value, and budget staff time every year to work on reviewing and revising your methods of measuring value, to respond to changing priorities.
