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Robin Neidorf Jinfo survey on data analytics (part 1 - characteristics of respondents and positioning of analytics)
8th December 2016

As part of Jinfo's current Research Focus "Data analytics - ready your information service", we surveyed how analytics is showing up in organisations. Robin Neidorf analyses the results and finds intriguing evidence into how information staff are positioning themselves and their expertise within this emerging area. Is the way forward clear, or is data analytics yet to find its firm home within organisations?



Sophie Alexander Product review of BMI Research (technology - search & user interface; outputs & alerts; administration)
8th December 2016

The third part of our product review of BMI Research, the independent research firm that provides macroeconomic, industry and financial market analysis, we analyse the technology that allows users to find their way around the product's vast amount of daily updated material, including reports, data, and forecasting content across industries & global markets. We put to the test search and filtering, all the available tools & databases and explain how to receive daily news and analysis, much of it created in-house.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2756



Sophie Alexander Product review of BMI Research (sources - content & coverage)
6th December 2016

In the second part of our review of BMI Research, the independent research firm that provides macroeconomic, industry and financial market analysis, we look at content and coverage including how it uses available data sources and how users can access the content, including via thousands of individual reports. Sophie Alexander describes its highly integrated approach to risk and to forecasting, and summarises the product's unique strengths.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2756



Sophie Alexander Product review of BMI Research (key advantages; introduction; contact details)
5th December 2016

Sophie Alexander begins her product review of BMI Research, the independent research firm that provides macroeconomic, industry and financial market analysis, rebranded in 2015 from Business Monitor International. She introduces the product with its in-depth coverage of market sectors and geographical areas and flags up its value drivers. Read on to find out why she thinks many high powered companies have chosen to use its unique methodology to help guide investment decisions.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2756



Chris Porter Generating textual narratives from structured data - key vendors
2nd December 2016

We profile three vendors in the Natural Language Generation (NLG) space: Narrative Science, Yseop, and Arria, following on from Chris Porter's previous article which introduced the concept of creating narrative text automatically from structured data and profiled Automated Insights.



Shimrit Janes What's at stake if information services are excluded from data analytics projects?
2nd December 2016

The inclusion of information professionals within data analytics projects brings their unique skill set to the table: deep source and consulting expertise. Conversely, the exclusion of information professionals from data analytics projects risks wasted time, wasted money, siloed working, and ill-defined business requirements. Jinfo held two Community sessions to explore precisely what's at stake, and how information services can be a valuable partner within this emergent area.



Colin Smith Standards and ethics in the use of big data
30th November 2016

Business information consultant Colin Smith shares his knowledge on the standards and ethics which users of big data and data analytics need to be aware of. He focuses on company, business and economic topics and highlights key sources of information published in English.
