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Clare Painter How does copyright apply to tables, charts and other figures?
16th January 2017

You've seen a photograph, chart, map or diagram and would like to make some small or significant alterations or even to redraw it to use it in your own publications. Where do you stand from a copyright perspective? Expert Clare Painter explains the legal stance.



Chris Porter Q&A with LexisNexis Risk Solutions - detecting & managing relationship risk
13th January 2017

We catch up with recent developments in risk and compliance in an interview with UK-based LexisNexis Risk Solutions director, Steve Arnison. Jinfo contributing editor, Chris Porter, finds out what's driving growth and more about use-cases for tools including the WorldCompliance Data solution, LexisNexis Bridger Insight and LexisNexis TraceIQ. 



Sophie Alexander Q&A with Information Builders - leading the field in business intelligence?
12th January 2017

Information Builders operates at the leading edge of business intelligence and data analytics. We interview chief innovation officer, Dr Rado Kotorov, to find out more about the company and the book he co-authored, "Organisational Intelligence – how smart companies use information to become more competitive and profitable".



Andrew Lucas Q&A with Ideagen - new frontiers for risk & compliance
10th January 2017

Ideagen is a rapidly expanding supplier of compliance, safety, risk and information management software to a wide range of industrial sectors, including healthcare, transport, manufacturing, life science and banking and finance. Andrew Lucas has interviewed Ideagen's public relations and marketing spokesman, Joseph O'Brien, about the company and its approach to the risk and compliance markets.



Andrew Grave Product review of FirstRain (value - help & training; competitors; development; pricing)
9th January 2017

Concluding our review of business analytics platform FirstRain we look at the competitors to this product which aims to enable business professionals to view and share real-time intelligence on companies and markets. Reviewer Andrew Grave describes why its help features are particularly useful, how competitors shape up including OneSource from Avention and British-based company Artesian, and development plans for the near future.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2762



Andrew Grave Product review of FirstRain (technology - search & user interface; outputs & alerts; administration)
6th January 2017

We continue our review of business analytics platform FirstRain which aims to enable business professionals to view and share real-time intelligence on companies and markets. Andrew Grave looks at how the company's claims for its technology stand up, testing its analytics. He also analyses set up and how its "channels" help personalise what FirstRain will track for you, search by company or themes, and mobile app functionality.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2762
