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Andrew Lucas Is service reengineering part of your 2018 strategy?
18th January 2018

Jinfo recently held its annual State of the industry Community session where participants discussed their top concerns for the coming year. This article brings together insights and practical tips from the session and also explores some of the themes we'll be looking at in an upcoming Research Focus, "The information team with the right stuff", including the likely impact on training and continuous professional development of information professionals.



Andrew Lucas Guide to value in the Jinfo Research Focus "Stake your claim in the success of data analytics"
12th January 2018

Andrew Lucas selects publishing highlights from the articles, reports and research published in the Research Focus "Stake your claim in the success of data analytics", from challenges and skills gaps to opportunities for information professionals to lead the way.



Scott Vine Product walkthrough - RightFind XML for Mining
11th January 2018

RightFind XML for Mining is one of the business products and services offered by the Copyright Clearance Center. It enables you to quickly identify and download a collection of full-text articles from multiple publishers through a single source giving you a complete article collection for text mining. In this mini review, Jinfo takes a look at the sources, coverage and search functionality as well as future developments for the product.



Clare Painter Copyright considerations when reusing content
5th January 2018

When planning to use someone else's content, it's important to know whether it's protected by copyright. This article looks at the different types of content that may be used and when copyright might apply. It covers open access material and the various Creative Commons licences that are available and what to do when multiple layers of copyright apply.



Robin Neidorf How to improve your newsletters (part 2)
4th January 2018

In the second part of her article on improving current awareness newsletters, Jinfo's director of research, Robin Neidorf, provides some practical examples of newsletter tweaks to increase awareness of the information team's expertise, encourage readers to contact the team and help readers better access and digest essential information.
