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Robin Neidorf Centre of Excellence (step three - envision your Known Fors)
10th June 2021

The concept of Known Fors establishes what you want your information service to be known for. What are the phrases and characteristics you aspire others to use when they think of your team? The activity in this article walks you through the process of developing Known Fors as part of your evolution towards a Centre of Excellence. This is the third in a five-part series of articles outlining the process for developing your future as an Information Centre of Excellence.



Robin Neidorf Centre of Excellence (step two - create your Pillars of Service)
26th May 2021

This is the second of a five-part series of articles exploring Jinfo's Information Centre of Excellence and how it can be used to shape your information strategy and expertise to the needs of your organisation. In part two we build on your results of part one as reference material for developing and documenting your Pillars of Service.



Robin Neidorf Centre of Excellence (step one - map your services to the model)
25th May 2021

This is the first in a five-part series of articles that explores Jinfo's Information Centre of Excellence and how it can be used to shape your information strategy and expertise to the needs of your organisation. Part one looks at mapping your current services to the Centre of Excellence model and highlighting any gaps.



Robin Neidorf Crafting a scorecard (step five - capture inputs)
18th May 2021

This is the final part of our series of articles on developing your own scorecards. Parts one to four looked at setting goals and priorities, selecting components, designing your scoring system and documenting scores. This final part determines how you will capture the data that forms the foundation of your completed scorecards.
