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Robin Neidorf Jinfo benchmarking research (part 3 - customers and adjacent services)
28th June 2018

In the third part of Jinfo's benchmarking research we report on questions around how the information team interacts with the business, including customer base, how they work with other departments, comparison of key customer groups by industry, and descriptions of services offered.



Graham Southorn Creating the conditions for information centre success
26th June 2018

Constant change is a fact of life in the information profession today and the pace of change is not slowing down. In a recent webinar, Jinfo's director of research, Robin Neidorf, discussed how team leaders can not only survive, but thrive, at a time when strategy, services and operations are all evolving. She described a structure used by many successful information teams to think about everyday tasks, and three factors that are critical to success in a fast-changing environment.



Robin Neidorf Jinfo benchmarking research (part 2 - structure and department services)
25th June 2018

In the second part of Jinfo's benchmarking research exploring information roles and services, we look at where information expertise lies within an organisation, what the options are for reporting lines and operational structures, and consider the range of services an information team provides, as well as team size. The data will help information teams conduct an initial check against other teams in their industries and highlight how an individual team is resourced in relation to its peers.



Steve Bynghall Driving digital and information literacy in your organisation
22nd June 2018

There is a growing interest in digital literacy in the workplace to help drive digital transformation. In this article Steve Bynghall looks at what this entails and what opportunities this provides for information professionals to add value and how they should contribute to initiatives and efforts around this subject.



Robin Neidorf Jinfo benchmarking research (part 1 - introduction)
20th June 2018

The old model of a centralised information or research centre which acts as the gatekeeper of high-quality resources no longer reflects what's happening in most organisations today. However, there is still a need for experts on third-party sources and measuring the value of information resources so as part of this year's research Jinfo decided to document how information expertise is applied in different organisations, irrespective of industry, team size or whether they have a formal information centre. This article outlines how we set about carrying out the research, and how we were able to extract meaningful data from our findings.



Sophie Alexander Q&A with Clarivate Analytics - a leading source of quality curated research content and tools
18th June 2018

Clarivate Analytics is a global leader in the provision of insights and analytics and has many established brands including Web of Science, EndNote, InCites, Cortellis, Derwent, CompuMark, MarkMonitor and Techstreet. Jinfo recently interviewed Jan Reichelt, newly-appointed managing director of Clarivate's citation index and discovery platform Web of Science, to find out a bit more about the company's flagship products, including its newest acquisitions, Kopernio and Publons.
