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Yulia Aspinall How does Jinfo's benchmarking research apply to pharma?
10th September 2018

Senior information managers from pharmaceutical and life science sectors were invited to join an online Community session to discuss the results of Jinfo's Research Focus, "Benchmarking information roles - Jinfo models of excellence". This article looks in more depth at some of the key research findings and offers several tips on practical application of the research.



Kate Lomax Why pay for an intelligence platform?
10th September 2018

Just as the amount of information available to us increases, the number of tools to manage and navigate this information has also rapidly increased. More and more people are turning to free web-based tools such as Google Scholar for research discovery or Google Alerts for current awareness. Open source and commercial tools have also continued to evolve. Many now offer varying degrees of automation and machine learning that helps us make sense of the masses of information and data now available to us at work and this article explores some of these issues.



Robin Neidorf Jinfo current awareness survey (part 1 - introduction)
6th September 2018

It's been ten years since Jinfo first surveyed information professionals to find out about their needs, preferences and goals in relation to news content and current awareness provision. The project has evolved over time to factor in issues relating to the use of technology to improve workflow and enhance ROI, the balance of premium and non-cost sources, and what methods they were using to try and measure the value and impact of current awareness service provision. This article introduces the results from 2018's survey, including areas such as the provision of time and staff.



Andrew Tattersall Q&A with Iconitel - optimising information resources
3rd September 2018

Iconitel Consulting & Software Services specialises in the management of information resources and offers a unique set of solutions ranging from comprehensive research portfolio management engagements to automated software solutions. Andy Tattersall recently caught up with Iconitel's executive partner, Joanie Olivier, to find out about the company and its products, AREUS and AREUSConnect, and what the future holds.



Robin Neidorf State of the industry - overview of current awareness suppliers
3rd September 2018

In the second of a two-part article looking at the differences between current awareness and intelligence platforms and how information professionals interact with the workflow of both systems, Robin Neidorf looks at some of the key suppliers in this area, their product offerings as well as some of the key differences between them.



Louise Brookes How do vendors work with users to facilitate customisation?
31st August 2018

Keeping on top of the news on customers, competitors, suppliers and the business environment is an ever increasing challenge for information teams to enable their organisations to make informed and better decisions. Over the last 10 years, Jinfo has been observing the evolution of current awareness tools used for this task and following the development of the next generation of tools, which allow for much greater integration of content, user collaboration and variety of outputs, including dashboards and visualisation of data. This article explores the potential for greater customisation and improvements in the process.



Sophie Alexander Q&A with TBRC - Global Market Model highlights business opportunities worldwide
29th August 2018

TBRC claims its flagship product, Global Market Model, outshines its competitors with its high quality, consistent coverage of markets around the world across a host of industry sectors. Managing director Oliver Guirdham tells Jinfo's Sophie Alexander how TBRC compiles its data, how the Global Market Model can be used to provide business insight, and the company's plans for a new interactive tool.



James Griggs The enduring power of the newsletter
28th August 2018

Internal newsletters have proved to be a resilient offering for information teams despite the proliferation of automated alerts. James Griggs and Natasha Murray, research managers at Deloitte, describe why this is the case and set out the steps you need to take in order to produce an effective newsletter.



Sophie Alexander Q&A with Vable - current awareness that's content-agnostic
24th August 2018

Vable is the provider of the InfoPro solution for current awareness and Vable Inbox to manage and redirect incoming newsletters, alerts and eJournals. Jinfo interviewed its topic specialist Clare Brown to find out more about the company's plans to introduce a managed service, increase its AI capabilities and get its platform adopted in industries beyond the legal sector.
