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Stephen Phillips Let's talk offshoring – key takeaways from the March Community session
14th March 2023

Offshoring and outsourcing were primarily seen as a mechanism to reduce costs by displacing onshore teams. Now they are seen as a complementary resource that can augment existing capabilities and create value. Setting up an operation requires careful planning, ongoing oversight and considerable investment. Whilst offshore costs are increasing, there are still worthwhile cost opportunities associated with pursuing an offshore strategy for your business. 



Denise Carter Building competitive advantage – key takeaways from the February Community Session
14th February 2023

Most organisations today have competitive intelligence capabilities, they just aren’t necessarily formally named "competitive intelligence". Understanding the competitive environment, the opportunities, and the challenges that an organisation faces is essential for both survival and growth.

Many information leaders are either already directly involved in supporting intelligence activities within their organisation or, if not, they are exploring how they can become more involved. Our February 2023 Community session was an opportunity to discuss what competitive intelligence looks like in reality and how information leaders can have more impact.



Stephen Phillips Findings from the "Let's talk talent" Community session
18th January 2023

Finding, attracting and retaining talent is critical to the success of any business. Given the current labour market and a dearth of people with the right skills, aptitude and attitudes, securing the right talent is a major challenge for many information leaders.

The January 2023 Community session was an opportunity to discuss these challenges with Simon Burton of CB Resourcing and explore ideas to address these issues.



Stephen Phillips Are you holding your vendors to account? Key takeaways from the December Community session
20th December 2022

Vendor management is one of the most potent ways of demonstrating your value to the wider organisation, yet it is something many clients struggle to implement.  

Catch up with our recent Community Session "Holding Vendors to Account" to find out how to build a solid foundation on which to create meaningful service-level agreements and performance targets for your vendors.



Stephen Phillips Key takeaways from the "Cost Reduction Strategies" Community session
29th November 2022

Reducing costs as a tactical, "knee-jerk" reaction to unfavourable economic indicators risks significant business disruption and can, in the long run, be an expensive exercise.  

As the discussion with our Information Leaders revealed; successful cost reduction strategies involve a complex combination of "Stakeholder engagement", "Demand Management", "Knowing the market" and "Proactive vendor management".



Stephen Phillips The importance of Benchmarking
28th October 2022

Benchmarking provides critical insights into the performance of your strategy and team. Yet information leaders struggle to find reliable and consistent mechanisms to compare themselves to their peers.

Read about the challenges and benefits of addressing benchmarking, from Jinfo’s October Community session.



Stephen Phillips Three takeaways from the "Let's talk suppliers" Community session
11th October 2022

When it comes to supplier engagement, good preparation is vital, proving the adage “fail to prepare, prepare to fail”. Knowing your business, understanding the perception of value and broad market knowledge enables a productive dialogue supported by multiple scenarios for a negotiation.

September’s Community Session provided an opportunity to discuss the key preparations you need to successfully work with your supplier partners to deliver successful outcomes. Whilst we discussed a range of techniques and challenges, one thing was clear: you should always start these conversations with the end in mind.
