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Robin Neidorf Adopting technology for discovery 2019 (Fresh insights through smart technology)
21st August 2019

In the final part of our report on Jinfo's research on discovery tools and priorities and the adoption of technology for finding content, we focus more specifically on the application of smart technologies to surface insights. We highlight some of the more popular databases used by respondents and how well they meet their needs.



Robin Neidorf Adopting technology for discovery 2019 (Single point of entry/back-end integration)
20th August 2019

In this fourth part of our report on Jinfo's research on discovery tools and priorities and the adoption of technology for finding content, we explore the importance of discovery through a single point of entry or back-end integration and which groups of users benefit most from this. We also find out which products or platforms respondents were using for this purpose.



Robin Neidorf Adopting technology for discovery 2019 (Keeping up with technology)
16th August 2019

Jinfo's research on discovery tools and priorities looks at the adoption of technology for content discovery by information professionals across a range of industries. The third part of our report looks at how survey respondents keep abreast of technology developments, whether it be training and workshops, updates from technology vendors, or professional associations. Also included are links to conferences and training workshops of value to those in information professional roles.



Andrew Lucas Product review of Factiva (purchasing, development and competitor landscape)
15th August 2019

In the final part of Jinfo's new product review of premium global news database Factiva, we take a look at its value, the help and training available, key future product development plans and pricing. We also examine the competitor landscape, which includes Nexis, Naviga's NewsEdge, and ISI Emerging Markets in the traditional business news and information market, along with Meltwater, Cision, D&B's Hoovers, Alacra, Manzama Insights, and InfoDesk in the media monitoring space.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/3233



Robin Neidorf Adopting technology for discovery 2019 (Foundation - definitions and desires)
15th August 2019

Jinfo's research on discovery tools and priorities looks at the adoption of technology for content discovery by information professionals across a range of industries. This second part of our report continues to look at how information professionals are engaging with new technologies and, in particular, at definitions of "discovery" and topics of interest within technology.



Andrew Lucas Product review of Factiva (technology - search & user interface; outputs & alerts; administration)
14th August 2019

In the third part of our new product review of Factiva, global news aggregator, we explore some of its latest enhancements, particularly in relation to its search performance and interface. We also take a closer look at Dow Jones Intelligent Indexing and its migration to a full machine learning model, its API and wide range of uses, as well as the various reports that are available to administrators.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/3233



Robin Neidorf Adopting technology for discovery 2019 (Introduction)
14th August 2019

Now in its third year and building on research from the past couple of years, Jinfo's research on discovery tools and priorities looks at the adoption of technology for content discovery by information professionals across a range of industries. This first part of our report looks at the types of industries that respondents work in, as well as their target markets.
