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Heather Carine Stay Ahead of the Pack: Specialists from Small Firms Work with Restricted Resources
31st July 2007

I have spent my career in large organisations, undertaking research for specialists. Being well informed is vital for specialists, and I have played a key role in that. However, specialists from small organisations are just as adept at keeping themselves up to date through their tightly focussed research skills.



Tim Houghton Looking East: Chinese Research Sources
30th June 2007

Notwithstanding the hype, the endless newspaper articles, the sometimes breathless editorials, China is an economic phenomenon. For a large economy to grow at an average of almost 10% for nearly 30 years is nothing short of remarkable. Yet since 1978 that is exactly what the still ostensibly Communist regime has achieved. It is no wonder that middle class school children are now being 'encouraged' by their parents to stay late and learn Mandarin at after school clubs.



Daphne Raban CI: Collaborative Intelligence
31st May 2007

Like most CI practitioners and academics, I always took the term CI to stand for 'competitive intelligence'. I taught a class on the subject in the MBA program at the University of Haifa, and through discussions with students I learned the term CI might better stand for 'collaborative intelligence'.



Douglas Mudd Plastic Cash: A History of Money and the Credit Card in America
30th April 2007

Electronic media encompasses the relatively new areas of credit cards, smart cards and other forms of stored value or credit that are now becoming increasingly common. This type of monetary transaction and the technology with which it is associated has created a revolution in how people understand and use money. Credit is now available to the vast majority of Americans on a scale never before seen. Many important issues and problems remain to be resolved in this area of monetary usage, one of the most important of which is determining whom is to control the issuing of credit cards and regulate the amount and terms of the credit given to individuals.
