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Joanna Ptolomey Book Review: Building and Running a Successful Research Business. A guide for the Independent Information Professional
29th June 2010

If you have ever wondered what it is like or what it takes to be an independent information professional then this is the book for you.  However, it is just as relevant if you are already a practising professional.



Heather Negley Real-Time Monitoring: Tools and Trends to Watch
8th June 2010

The growth in real-time data has led to new ways to manipulate, synthesise and distil information very quickly. From tools for disease surveillance to heat maps for tracking trends in the stock market, the number of ways for information professionals to tap into this data is increasing with all the major players vying for position in this market.



Scott Brown Part 1: 'Retreading', not Reinventing, the Wheel: How info pros repurpose content for increased efficiency and visibility
8th June 2010

Working efficiently and adding value are core skills for information professionals in these cash-strapped times, so Scott Brown's tips on repurposing, reusing and generally recycling information provide some very useful ways of honing our skills.



Kate Simpson From Sumo to Samurai: getting your taxonomies fighting fit: Part 1
8th June 2010

Hierarchical taxonomies seem to dominate our lives because they are supported by most of the tools we use daily, from Windows Explorer to content management systems. But are they the best way of organising and finding our digital documents? In the first part of a two part series, Kate Simpson demonstrates the many benefits of using facets.



Toby Ward The social intranet fires-up knowledge sharing
8th June 2010

The Internet's poor cousin, the corporate intranet, has come of age because of the rise in the use of social media. With the introduction of Intranet 2.0 tools such as blogs, wikis, discussion forums etc, the humble intranet has become a powerful tool for employee collaboration and knowledge management.



Mark Field An inforant on the state of information management today
4th May 2010

At a time when there is more information than ever before, and production has outstripped storage, Mark Field questions the emergence of different belief systems around information management and the lack of interest is assigning keywords, and concludes that information is the wild frontier where explorers blunder about studiously ignoring each other's expeditions.



Susan Connelly Murphy Government Policies in Support of Electrification of Automobiles
4th May 2010

Electrification of automobiles is a hot topic on the green agenda and, inevitably, there is a vast amount of government policy on the subject. Susan Connelly Murphy shows us how and where to search so that we can pin down both international and individual country policy.



Fiona  Bradley Next generation catalogues, discovery interfaces and their role in helping meet changing user needs
4th May 2010

Discovery interfaces are bringing a new search experience for library users including tagging, book reviews and faceted browsing, but more is needed because of the growing expectation that information will be available via mobile devices. They are also opening up the privacy debate with features such as reading histories and recommended related items.



Jonaki Sarkar Writing for the public domain
4th May 2010

Writing for the general public is not a simple task. Apart from writing in plain English (not straightforward in itself), there are fonts, formatting, alternative formats and languages, accurate data and, most important of all, the audience you are writing for, to consider. In this article, Jonaki Sarkar steers us through the do's and don'ts of writing for the public domain.



Deb Hunt Enterprise Content Management: Another Role for Info Pros
6th April 2010

In an age when the Web allows everyone to do their own research, how do information professionals add value to an organisation? The answer is to connect users to the internal repository of information assets through enterprise content management; something information professionals are in a unique position to lead as they are already doing it!
