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Darren Mundy The Wireless Interactive Lecture Demonstrator project (WILD Thing for short)
1st November 2010

Getting students engaged and involved in the learning process is a challenge for any lecturer so the WILD Thing provides an interesting solution. It allows lecturers to embed dynamic content directly into a PowerPoint slide, and students to use mobile devices to comment or ask questions during the lecture. Despite the risk of students sending abusive comments, this system has great potential.



Heather Hedden Software for taxonomy creation and management
1st November 2010

There are many tools that can be used to create taxonomies from Excel, for those that are simple, to large scale, multi-user thesaurus systems, for those that are complex. In addition, there are many systems which are built for one purpose (for example content management) but also offer some taxonomy functionality. To steer us through the maze, Heather Heddon looks at the pros and cons of a range of approaches to taxonomy creation and management.



Andy Tedd Corporate culture vs the social intranet
1st November 2010

Some senior managers think that 'social=not work' so, coupled with their concerns about the level of investment required and when they will see any return on it, promoting the implementation of social media as part of an intranet development has its challenges. But using the arguments and examples in this article from Andy Tedd, it's possible to show that the use of social tools makes for a better workforce...and which senior manager could argue with that!



Adrian Janes Selected Sources for UK Legal Factsheets
25th October 2010

DocuTicker editors contribute brief articles to FUMSI on conducting research with grey literature - reports from government agencies, think tanks, research institutes and public interest organisations.



Adrian Janes Selected Sources for Emerging Markets
19th October 2010

DocuTicker editors contribute brief articles to FUMSI on conducting research with grey literature - reports from government agencies, think tanks, research institutes and public interest organisations.



Adrian Janes Selected Sources for Manufacturing
11th October 2010

DocuTicker editors contribute brief articles to FUMSI on conducting research with grey literature - reports from government agencies, think tanks, research institutes and public interest organisations.



Adrian Janes Selected Sources for Eastern Europe, Russia and the Former Soviet Union
4th October 2010

DocuTicker editors contribute brief articles to FUMSI on conducting research with grey literature - reports from government agencies, think tanks, research institutes and public interest organisations.



Lorene Kennard A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Finding Your Information
30th September 2010

No matter how much training and experience an information professional has, luck often plays an important part in tracking down the precise information required. Whether it's through a chance meeting, a phone call or even a misspelt search term, those gold nuggets of vital information can make all the difference as Lorene Kennard's examples show.



Andrew Walsh Mobile Technologies in Libraries
30th September 2010

With most library users owning a mobile phone, and increasing numbers of these being smartphones, it is time for libraries to take advantage of mobile technology. Andrew Walsh looks at the different levels that can be used from simple text messaging for both alerts and enquiries, to making sure the library is present on location-based social networks, and ultimately to creating an augmented reality layer.
