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Reece Dano Embedded librarianship Part 1: Aligning with organisational strategy to transform information into knowledge
2nd February 2011

Embedded librarianship is taking hold in many organisations providing information professionals with the chance to show the value they can add by transforming information into knowledge through strategic alignment. In Part 1 of a two-part series on embedded librarianship, Reece Dano and Gretchen McNeely describe the embedded services workflow and show the benefits, for both the organisation and the information professional, of this way of working.



Martin Goffman Patents 101: A Very Basic Introduction to the World of Patent Searching for Non-Patent Searchers
2nd February 2011

Patents are of great interest to those involved in competitor intelligence and new products as they provide a wealth of information about companies, markets and people. So the tips in this basic introduction to patent searching, by Martin Goffman and Ron Kaminecki, will help to take away the mystique of the world of patents and add another source of information to explore.



Martin Belam HTML5 for Information Professionals
4th January 2011

HTML5, with its 30 news tags, is not ‘just’ another version of HTML, it promises to bring changes that will be welcomed by information professionals as well as techies. Not only will it be easier to extract data from web pages but it will also be simpler to deliver the same article content over multiple platforms, and in multiple formats. Share Contributing Editor Martin Belam provides a non-technical overview of what to expect.



Kate Simpson Improving intranet navigation with user research & testing
4th January 2011

The success of any intranet is dependent on its usability and the satisfaction levels of its users. So understanding how your users browse and what journeys they take on the intranet is essential. Manage Contributing Editor Kate Simpson provides some very practical tips and tools for delving into the users’ minds and turning that knowledge into navigation which optimises the user experience.



Duncan Chappell Information Skills for Art and Design: The InfosmART Project at the Glasgow School of Art Library
4th January 2011

For those who think in a visual way, such as art and design students, navigating the text-based world of information can be daunting, so the Glasgow School of Art decided to develop some online modules to teach information skills. Duncan Chappell explains the background to the InfosmART project and the many benefits arising from it.



Africa S. Hands Search Engines Revisited
4th January 2011

Does the fact that Google is now a verb make it a better search engine than Yahoo! and Bing? Africa S Hands compares the search features and other services provided by the three search engines, and concludes that, although it is a case of ‘horses for courses’, Bing and Yahoo! still lag behind in some areas.



Adrian Janes Selected Sources for UK Charities
24th December 2010

DocuTicker editors contribute brief articles to FUMSI on conducting research with grey literature - reports from government agencies, think tanks, research institutes and public interest organisations.



Adrian Janes Selected Sources for Labour Law
10th December 2010

DocuTicker editors contribute brief articles to FUMSI on conducting research with grey literature - reports from government agencies, think tanks, research institutes and public interest organisations.



Amelia Kassel US Private Companies: Research and Analysis
1st December 2010

With variant, and even fictitious, names and no requirement to disclose financial and other information, US private company research is a particular challenge for info pros. But the sources, tips and tricks covered by Amelia Kassel will open the gates to finding this vital competitor intelligence.
