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Perrin Kerravala Product Review of Morningstar Direct, v 3.9
17th March 2011

Morningstar Direct's vast data libraries are accompanied by proprietary articles and commentary for a qualitative view. The platform also includes an extensive regulatory filings database. Designed for institutional use, the product is a one-stop shop for developing, selecting and monitoring investments.



Adrian Janes Selected Sources for Emerging Markets: China
14th March 2011

DocuTicker editors contribute brief articles to FUMSI on conducting research with grey literature - reports from government agencies, think tanks, research institutes and public interest organisations.



Robin Neidorf Confidence Grows on Copyright
12th March 2011

Preview of FreePint Research Report: Copyright Policies and Practices 2011



Andrew Rieder The people have spoken: Tapping into the collective intelligence of social media to brainstorm a new project
1st March 2011

Tapping into the collective intelligence that’s out there in social media is a great way to brainstorm when starting a new research project. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and blogs are particularly useful, as are social media search engines such as Social Mention and Whos Talkin. But, as Andrew Rieder explains, you have to be prepared to invest time in building up relationships if you want to get the most out of these sites.



Nic Price SharePoint and the South Bank Centre: using analogies to sell a story
1st March 2011

Changing the technology behind an intranet is a difficult enough task, but doing it while keeping the intranet running is even more challenging. In part two of his article on implementing SharePoint to deliver the BBC’s intranet, Gateway, Nic Price describes the gradual approach they took by introducing MySites, blogging and search as the foundation on which to build.



Scott Brown Information management lessons from "Austin Powers"
1st March 2011

Using Austin Powers’ nemesis Dr Evil as an example when considering information management may, on the face of it, appear to be a bit far-fetched but Scott Brown shows the similarities between Dr Evil and upper management. And, from there, he gives a few lessons on how to deal with your executives and avoid being "incinerated!"



Nicolas Robinson-Garcia Embedded Librarianship Part 2: A case study from Spain
1st March 2011

Librarians have struggled hard to be recognised as a profession in Spain, despite LIS being a five-year degree, but progress is now being made thanks to the introduction of embedded librarianship in some universities. Using the skills they already have but applying them in a different environment is adding value and making librarians irreplaceable.



Robin Neidorf Preparing for Mobility
6th February 2011

Insights from FreePint Research on user interest in mobile content.




Nic Price SharePoint - Face your fear and do it anyway: Part 1
2nd February 2011

The introduction of initiatives to simplify the way that business is done can often cause a lot of disruption during the change before any benefits are seen. And, trying to keep a service functioning during the change adds another level of difficulty. In this two part series, Nic Price describes what happened at the BBC when Gateway, their intranet, was moved to SharePoint.



Kate Simpson Content analysis: Describing your landscape
2nd February 2011

Having a clear idea of the content on our intranets and websites is the key to ensuring that the user experience is optimised and findability is high. But the idea of carrying out an information audit can be daunting, particularly when we feel we know where the content problems lie. So try this practical and realistic approach, put forward by Manage contributing editor Kate Simpson, to increase the value of your web content.
