
Grounded in original research, Jinfo Content helps you turn our insight into action on critical information challenges.

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Robin Neidorf Jinfo research on UK legal purchasing preferences and needs 2019 (part 1 - introduction, methodology and responses)
4th November 2019

Read this year's research on purchasing patterns and preferences amongst the top 200 law firms in the UK. Find out how core legal products fit into the strategy, spending, and evolution of information services in UK law firms.



Robin Neidorf Making objectives concrete - operationalising strategy in content acquisitions
1st November 2019

It can be difficult to determine the monetary value of content as many factors come into play, including the objectives of the user, and the wider organisation and usage statistics only tell part of the story. This article looks at how to create a balanced and value-focused content portfolio with a particular focus on organisational objectives and provides practical next steps to help you focus your thinking on portfolio management.



Jacqueline Beattie Managing your portfolio as part of your strategy (part three - communicating with stakeholders)
30th October 2019

In the final part of our report on managing the content portfolio as part of your strategy, we look at the importance of communication with stakeholders, including the different types of stakeholders and how to develop good relationships with them so you can help them understand the importance of a strategically managed content portfolio.



Jacqueline Beattie Managing your portfolio as part of your strategy (part two - segment the portfolio)
29th October 2019

In part one of our report on managing your portfolio as part of your strategy, we looked at the importance of aligning your content portfolio to the goals of your organisation. In part two we look more closely at the challenges involved, including how to segment the portfolio and highlight key performance indicators, document resources to support value, demonstrate the impact of the content portfolio and create an innovative environment, as well as practical next steps.



Jacqueline Beattie Managing your portfolio as part of your strategy (part one - where to start)
28th October 2019

Managing the content portfolio is an important part of the overall information management strategy. How best to do this is the subject of the first part of our report where we look at how to align your content portfolio with the business goals of the organisation. Whilst these goals will differ for every organisation, in part one we focus on efficiency, innovation and revenue growth and highlight some practical next steps you can take to move forward.



Willem Noorlander Content purchasing to content licensing - changing the perception
25th October 2019

There are many divergent views on how information and data can be used, including the level of ownership, and if users exceed the terms and conditions set by the data supplier it can have serious implications for an organisation. This article looks at common misconceptions in relation to the use of data, the different rules that apply when sourcing it, as well the restricted usage rights that may exist in relation to content. It also offers some practical next steps to ensure compliance with the supplier's guidelines.



Rebecca Gebhardt Brizi Creating networks as part of your strategy
21st October 2019

Information professionals are in a unique position within their organisation because they connect with so many different people and teams and this article looks at how to engage and manage others when developing a stakeholder strategy.
