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Tim Buckley Owen BYOD security -- it's not all high tech solutions
27th August 2012

The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) movement in the workplace continues to gather momentum, while at the same time presenting new security challenges. It also presents an opportunity for information professionals carving out a risk and security role for themselves in their organisations.



James Mullan A Step Too Far with Collaboration
23rd August 2012

Most of what is written about collaboration is positive: Collaboration within an organisation can break down silos and connect people who might otherwise never work together. It can also increase productivity and potentially save organisations money. But collaboration has many hidden dangers and barriers to implementation, which is why so many potential collaborators remain skeptical or get frustrated. Learn about the dangers and how you can overcome them. 



Perrin Kerravala A round-up of private equity and venture capital industry information sources
22nd August 2012

The private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC) industries are information intensive, generating numerous data on companies, funds, investment firms, and investment performance. These data are typically available on a subscription-basis, and sold to industry participants for due diligence, competitive intelligence, analysis, and business development purposes. Several publishers and industry associations also provide market information for free. This article outlines what information professionals can find from subscription and free sources, as well as a short look at a new social networking site for the PE industry.



Robin Neidorf Benchmarking: Information Structure
22nd August 2012

Every organisation takes a slightly unique approach to defining what it means by "information services", and yet in every organisation the same information-related jobs need to get done. This analysis of staff size, supported headcount, and arrangement of duties shows several important differences based on industry.



David Whelan Product review of Thomson Innovation: Executive Summary
20th August 2012

Patent searching is an art, and Thomson Innovation makes it an art that almost any researcher can successfully try. An unmatched content set covering documentation from around the world and incorporating the deep pool of Thomson Reuters' related content in legal, intellectual property and business information resources is placed within an interface that is powerful yet not intimidating. Reviewer David Whelan emerged researching the product with admiration for the overall offering and some useful guidance for information professionals seeking to get it into the hands of end users.

Update: A new review of this product is available here »



David Whelan Thomson Innovation: Help and customer accounts
20th August 2012

Online and offline help elements are important in evaluating how a product might fit into the regular workflow of staff. David Whelan rounds out his review of Thomson Innovation with a discussion of available help options, costs and account management.



David Whelan Thomson Innovation: Outputs: reports and alerts
20th August 2012

Once search is complete, how else can you work with Thomson Innovation results? Reviewer David Whelan shares what he's learned about download and printing options as well as ongoing alerting.



David Whelan Thomson Innovation: Special functionality
16th August 2012

The special features built into Thomson Innovation give this product a lot to be proud of: Reviewer David Whelan particularly likes the visualisation and charting tools, text clustering and other features that enable a user to derive meaning from especially large data sets. The multilingual capabilities of the product are also impressive. Asian intellectual property documents benefit from user interface features designed to help users better search and manipulate documents in Japanese.



David Whelan Thomson Innovation: User interface
16th August 2012

In late 2011, Thomson Innovation received a full facelift in its user interface. Reviewer David Whelan explores the useful aspects of the interface and points out how it differs from what customers might have been used to -- either on previous iterations of this product or on other patent search products.
