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Robin Neidorf The Big Free Three for News: Caveat Searcher
26th September 2012

Using free news search engines for business research has risk related to usage of the content provided by those search engines. Some organisations have explicit policies forbidding workers to use the likes of Google News, Yahoo! News and Bing News to conduct business research. Robin Neidorf and Africa Hands provide a close reading of the terms and conditions laid out by each service provider to better define the actual risks at stake.



Africa S. Hands The Big Free Three for News: Mobile
26th September 2012

Users are increasingly getting their news on mobile devices. How do the "big free three" stack up in this area - both in content and options for sharing news? Africa Hands looks at similarities and differences.



Robin Neidorf The Big Free Three for News: Search and Output
26th September 2012

A main difference in using the news search engines is the results are from news specific sources rather than the more general websites indexed by the larger search engine's databases. Advanced search, sharing and alert options can vary significantly - all important components for researchers. Africa Hands and Robin Neidorf share their findings.



Africa S. Hands The Big Free Three for News: User Interface
25th September 2012

Of the big three, users have a choice of interface, with Bing and Google offering the most white space and a clean simple design for easier viewing. Yahoo! News is graphics intensive. Reviewer Africa Hands discusses other interface differences, as well as related results, personalisation, and languages and regions covered.



Africa S. Hands The Big Free Three for News: Sources, Coverage and Content
25th September 2012

Business news available through Google, Yahoo! and Bing varies based on both the underlying sources and the algorithms used to search, organise and deliver results.



Robin Neidorf The Big Free Three for News: Introduction and FreePint's View
25th September 2012

The big three in news search -- Bing, Yahoo! and Google -- are likely part of the daily workflow for nearly every knowledge worker. For individuals, each provides strengths and weaknesses. For organisations, it's essential to understand what workers are turning to, in order to direct education and manage risks.



Penny Crossland News consumption and search moves to social media sites
25th September 2012

Interesting findings have recently emerged from several reports, demonstrating consumers’ shift away from established news sites and search engines towards social media services – largely fuelled by tablet and smart phone usage. Search engines, too, are seeing a drop in visitors as online users are going to social networking sites to search for information, prompting analysts to view social networks increasingly as disruptors to the way we search and consumer news.



Anne Jordan Source Update September 2012: What's happening with
25th September 2012

Monthly update on source changes in



Tim Buckley Owen Islamic finance - prepare to open the floodgates?
24th September 2012

Global Islamic finance is set to double in size between 2011 and 2015, says Stuart Anderson, Middle East head at rating agency Standard & Poor's. At the recent Global Islamic Finance Forum, both Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters announced new indices to track Sukuk financial markets. Information managers may need to brace themselves for a flood of new products covering this market.
