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Robin Neidorf News Needs and Preferences: Activity Frequency
24th December 2012

Frequency of different activities relating to news content appear to be relatively stable from year to year, in comparing the 2012 results of FreePint's Survey on News Needs and Preferences to previous years. Examining the range of responses information managers provide to the tasks they perform with regard to news content provides a view into the average work-week of information managers for searching, delivering results, testing sources, advising others and more.



Robin Neidorf News Needs and Preferences: Preferred Features
24th December 2012

When selecting and using products and services to deliver news content, buyers and users can prioritise a wide range of variables -- types of content, delivery formats and ways that the content can be integrated into a workflow. Average ratings for these variables suggest priorities amongst survey respondents; comparing these average ratings to those of previous years' survey responses shows where change has taken place, in some cases dramatically.



Aileen Marshall Mini Review: InfoArmy
24th December 2012

Aileen Marshall reviews InfoArmy, the iPad-based intelligence service which uses an army of researchers to create in-depth, innovative competitive intelligence reports. It plans to produce reports for virtually every company on the planet, in multiple languages, using its crowdsourcing model.



Dale Moore Career Development and Predictions for 2013
24th December 2012

Information professionals are a diverse lot, so much so, you never quite know where they might by lurking! Many work for large organisations, some not so large, and many work for a variety of customers as consultants. They also wear many different hats but one thing is certain, they all need to understand the modern information landscape and this inevitably involves acquiring new skills or simply moving to a new employer. Sometimes, they even try to predict the future! Dale Moore gives an overview of career development and key technologies for 2013.



Penny Crossland Infogroup Repositions Itself After OneSource Sale
24th December 2012

OneSource, once a stalwart of company and business information, and acquired by Infogroup (then known as InfoUSA) in 2004, has been sold. The purchaser, Cannondale Investments, specialises in acquiring “data-enabled” information services. What will the future hold for OneSource’s business intelligence and prospecting tools such as iSell? Penny Crossland also updates on developments at Infogroup.



James Mullan Battling Digital Distraction
20th December 2012

Individuals working in legal and other firms are facing a big problem at the moment, a new disease that is affecting a lot of workers. The name of this new disease: "inefficiency". Whilst you might not be surprised that this is a problem, the cause of the problem, new technologies and the resultant 'digital distraction', may be unexpected.



James Mullan How Intranets can Help with Ambient Awareness
19th December 2012

Sharing small snippets of information about our daily lives and what we're doing has been a key feature of social networking tools for a number of years. More recently, organisations have started to look at how activity streams, status updates and microblogging tools like Yammer, Salesforce and Pulse could be used to surface content and details about individuals. Being aware of what an individual is doing through the use of social networking tools is usually referred to as ambient awareness and intranets have a big role to play in helping to develop this.



Tim Buckley Owen Islamic Finance - How Transparent Will it Be?
18th December 2012

As Thomson Reuters announces further initiatives in the rapidly expanding field of Islamic finance, Gartner predicts continuing growth in enterprise information technology spending in the Middle East and North Africa region. But transparency concerns persist – all the more so if a movement in the region for tighter regulation of the internet gathers momentum.
