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Victor Camlek Product Review of just-auto's QUBE: Sources, Content & Coverage
22nd March 2013

Finding a comprehensive and up-to-date information source on the automotive industry including OEMs, suppliers and specialist areas such as emission controls and powertrain technologies isn't easy. Victor Camlek explores whether just-auto's QUBE database can meet the challenge and how it can transform the wealth of source content into meaningful results, analysis and forecasts.



Victor Camlek Product Review of just-auto's QUBE: Introduction and FreePint's View
21st March 2013

Victor Camlek takes a look under the hood of QUBE, a relatively new product offering automotive news and market information as well as coverage of the business and R&D aspects of technical research and product development. Stripping the product down, Victor offers a nuts and bolts analysis of the product and how its real-time approach to information and expert analysis can oil the wheels of audiences from automotive suppliers to those on engineering or MBA programmes or in government agencies.



Penny Crossland US Politico Bucks the Trend by Printing a New Magazine
20th March 2013

While major newspaper publishers in Europe, such as the Financial Times, the Telegraph Group and the Irish Times have re-stated their commitment to digital business models, there is one journalistic anomaly in the US, which appears to be going against the trend. Politico, the must-read website for all observers of Washington news is preparing to launch a print magazine. Is this a genuine commitment to print or a marketing tool for its subscription business?



James Mullan Introducing Gamification into Law Firm Business Applications
19th March 2013

Following the consumerisation of technology hardware through the Bring Your Own Device movement, the next big thing for law and professional services firms could be the consumerisation of business applications. So what could this mean in practice? James Mullan examines why legal firms should improve the user experience and what firms could gain from gamification techniques.



Jan Knight Mini Review: LogixData SECAnalyzer
18th March 2013

Jan Knight reviews LogixData's SECAnalyzer™, an online database offering SEC compliance and disclosure intelligence to law firms, auditors and corporations. The goal of the product is to "deliver insight on SEC disclosures through data, analytics, & technology".



Tim Buckley Owen Teleworking - Bad Career Move?
18th March 2013

The furore over Yahoo's ban on teleworking has prompted pundits such as MarketingProfs and iHubbub to come out in support of the practice. But Telework Research Network figures show that homeworking is still not widespread, and a University of Texas study suggests that it hasn't helped work-family balance either. Nevertheless, a recent LinkedIn study shows that most women define success as having a good work-life balance, and another from Grant Thornton suggests that many employers are encouraging it. Finally, the London Business School has some tips for how teleworkers can avoid being sidelined for promotion.



James Mullan Are Intranets at Death's Door? How to Improve Your Intranet
14th March 2013

The death of the intranet, like email, is something that has been discussed many times in the past. So seeing a blog post questioning whether intranets are dead always intrigues me. However, intranets aren't yet receiving the death knell and there are many ways in which intranets can be revived and reinvigorated. James Mullan offers some tips for intranet managers to improve the user experience and to ensure that the intranet remains a key part of the organisation's KM and communications arsenal.



Robin Neidorf UK Legal Market Research: Wishes and Fears, in Equal Measure
13th March 2013

Robin Neidorf presents the final part of her analysis of 2013 research into legal librarians' spending on the "big three" information sources. Of course the "big three" are now set to become two with Thomson Reuters (TR) announcing its purchase of Practical Law Company (PLC) in January. FreePint's research examines the possible benefits and opportunities of the PLC/TR move and voices the concerns and comments of information professionals in the legal field about the PLC/TR offerings and the future of legal information products such as Westlaw, Lawtel and PSL.



Tim Buckley Owen Small Businesses Stand to Gain from CRM Lite
13th March 2013

Customer relationship management (CRM) tools are becoming increasingly accessible to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and investment in CRM technology is now a top priority. But while separate reports from Constant Contact and the Economist Intelligence Unit suggest that even micro businesses can deploy effective CRM systems, Gartner is warning that creating a "single view of the customer" requires a complex master data management strategy. In between these two extremes, there may be opportunities for astute info pros capable of exploiting such systems to the benefit of the business.
