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Tim Buckley Owen Security - Appraise the Doomsayers but Believe the Authorities?
28th March 2013

Risks from the Bring Your Own Device movement or email phishing attacks inevitably attract their fair share of security scare stories from vendors keen to peddle their own solutions. Recently there have been BYOD warnings from Dell and Varonis and a phishing scare seized upon by Proofpoint. Technological solutions such as mobile device management (MDM), encryption or sender authentication may provide a short term fix - but recent reports from Britain’s Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) and the European Network & Information Security Agency (ENISA) suggest that human behaviour matters too.



Penny Crossland Online Education Services - the Market is Getting Crowded
28th March 2013

Online learning, tutoring and education are big business with some predicting the sector to be worth $220 billion by 2017. It’s not just the traditional academic publishers supplying the elearning field, online specialists such as the Khan Academy and the increasingly-popular MOOC (massive open online courses) are also in the mix. Penny Crossland investigates the key players and drivers in the market.



Victor Camlek Product Review of just-auto's QUBE: Executive Summary
26th March 2013

QUBE is a recently introduced database from just-auto that is focused on the automotive industry. It features a mix of news, market, competitive and technological content. QUBE differs from many traditional tools by virtue of its real-time updates and the capability offered to users to create their own PDF reports by selecting content of interest from various reports whilst online. The full review looks at the attributes, strengths and weaknesses associated with QUBE and provides a detailed view of the value it offers to automotive industry researchers and analysts.



Victor Camlek Product Review of just-auto's QUBE: Customer Support, Pricing, Conclusion & Contact Details
26th March 2013

In the final part of his review of the automotive news and insight resource, Victor Camlek looks into the costs of the packages available and, just as importantly, the return on investment (ROI) and cites some ROI use cases.



Victor Camlek Product Review of just-auto's QUBE: Outputs, Reports & Alerts
25th March 2013

just-auto's QUBE allows subscribers unlimited prints and downloads along with the ability to create customised PDFs. Victor Camlek continues his review of the automotive industry source and looks in detail at the information that can be included in the reports, the reporting choices available, and anticipates the upcoming mobile options for smartphones and tablet devices.



Deborah Andrysiak The Evolution of Video on the Web - Towards a Legitimate Resource
25th March 2013

We live in a rapidly evolving, media rich world; a world that offers a robust and effective web-delivered pipeline of information that funnels a user's need to the appropriate technology-related resource or solution. Video on the internet is one such outlet that has been a mainstay for information gathering and dissemination - but how can you determine the credibility and reliability of the video and its source? 



Penny Crossland NewsCred - Blurring the Lines Between Traditional News and Content Marketing
25th March 2013

The lines between traditional media and brand marketing are becoming increasingly blurred with NewsCred using "game-changing" technology to target the social web. NewsCred, a 2008 internet start-up, has recently announced a $15 million funding round for its meta wire service which provides full-text licensed content from credible sources. Unlike traditional wire services, its platform operates via an API so its customers can incorporate content onto their sites via widgets, for example, making it "social media friendly".



Victor Camlek Product Review of just-auto's QUBE: Interface, Search & Tools
25th March 2013

Continuing his drive through just-auto's QUBE, Victor Camlek moves on to the search capabilities and user interface of this automotive industry resource and takes a look at the faceted search capabilities, detail of information and analysis available and the output options, including customised PDFs.
