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Jan Knight Product Review of InsideView: Executive Summary
18th April 2013

If you're a sales person or marketer interested in prioritising leads, researching what’s going on in your target markets and obtaining warm introductions to prospective buyers then InsideView could be the product for you. Jan Knight's executive summary of sales intelligence tool InsideView finds that the product would be an excellent addition to any sales strategy.



Jan Knight Product Review of InsideView: Outputs, Customer Support, Pricing
18th April 2013

Concluding her review of sales intelligence tool InsideView, Jan Knight reviews the output options, help and support available, pricing and timeliness of information. The company continually aggregates, triangulates and validates information from over 30,000 data sources and updates the system as soon as changes are found.



James Mullan Do Legal Firms Need Client-Facing Systems?
18th April 2013

Law firms are under increasing pressure to provide more services to clients for less money. In this context you would expect to see innovative client-facing solutions being developed. But this doesn't appear to be the case. Why is this? James Mullan explores the drivers and blocks to development of systems such as extranets and collaborative platforms for the legal sector.



Jan Knight Product Review of InsideView: Search & Tools
17th April 2013

Finding and prioritising leads, researching the activity of prospect companies and connecting with people for an introduction are all high on the salesperson's To Do List - Jan Knight finds out how InsideView fulfils these requirements by taking an in-depth look at the search options offered by this sales intelligence tool.



Penny Crossland LinkedIn Purchases Pulse & Moves Closer to Being a Publishing Platform
17th April 2013

LinkedIn's purchase of the Pulse news app is the company's latest move in news aggregation, building on its introduction of LinkedIn Today and the Influencer discovery tool over the last couple of years. The acquisition of mobile news specialist Pulse is the next step towards the business networking site becoming "the definitive professional publishing platform".



Jan Knight Product Review of InsideView: Sources, Content & Coverage
17th April 2013

Marketing staff, sales people, customer service representatives and account managers all need access to high quality information to research and qualify leads and calculate the best time to approach prospects. Continuing her review of sales intelligence tool InsideView, Jan Knight looks at the sources of information available and the integration possibilities with CRM products such as Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics.



Jan Knight Product Review of InsideView: Introduction and FreePint's View
16th April 2013

Prospecting for sales leads and the inevitable cold calling is a tough task but it's a vital part of any business operation. Jan Knight reviews InsideView, an award-winning sales intelligence tool which aims to make the process more effective by providing sales and marketing specialists with critical business insights to allow them to contact the right person at the right time... and with the right message.



Tim Buckley Owen Technology Talent + Softer Skills = Ideal Candidate?
15th April 2013

Information technology talent may be in short supply, according to a new survey from Forbes Insights. But other reports from the Economist Intelligence Unit and Gartner suggest that there is an equally pressing need to recruit skilled people who can interpret big data or foster collaboration using corporate social media. Significantly, there’s also one call for information resources to be pooled in a central unit, providing insights across the whole organisation and directly to the highest level executives.



Penny Crossland Elsevier Acquires Mendeley - Sell-out or Wise Move?
15th April 2013

So publishing disruptor Mendeley has been sold to STM establishment giant Elsevier. A Twitter campaign encouraging users to delete their Mendeley account has already begun but should researchers bide their time and see whether open access advocate Mendeley has really sold out or made a wise move which will benefit its founders and researchers alike, bringing users access to more content and faster development?
