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Yulia Aspinall Prezi: Set Your Presentations Free
13th June 2013

Prezi is rapidly gaining in popularity as a free web-based presentation tool offering a very different way to develop and present information. Yulia Aspinall examines what makes this tool popular, what it offers that PowerPoint doesn't, and how Prezi can give presenters' ideas and stories additional impact, greater memorability and lead to better audience clarity.



Cindy Elliott Beyond the Pale: Researching Non-Text Resources and Grey Literature
12th June 2013

Grey literature is material created by government, academics, non-profits and industry that exists outside the traditional publishing model. Non-text grey literature includes a wide variety of items, from audiovisual media and presentations to technical reports and tweets. Finding non-text research resources is not easy, many of the formats are non-traditional text, image or multimedia-based so they are not easily found using traditional database search tools. Cindy Elliott provides some suggestions on starting your search to find non-text grey literature.



Penny Crossland Financial News Publishers Take On LinkedIn and Twitter
11th June 2013

It seems that traditional print publishers have realised that if you can't beat the rapid-fire news coverage of social media platforms, you may as well join them. This was demonstrated in recent weeks by The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg and the Financial Times, who have respectively announced and launched social media tools WSJ Profile, BloombergCurrent and fastFT to take on LinkedIn and Twitter.



James Mullan BYOD... Saving Money, But At What Cost?
10th June 2013

Several FreePint editors, including myself, have written articles recently about how the idea of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is changing the corporate IT landscape. BYOD provides many opportunities for companies including potential cost savings, but is there a downside to BYOD that we're only now seeing? How can companies COPE?



Yulia Aspinall ThinkStoryline! - Putting the Conclusion at the Heart of the Presentation
7th June 2013

Defining customer goals and presenting research outcomes in a customer-friendly format is arguably as important as the quality of the information itself. Yulia Aspinall explores ThinkStoryline!© and explains how using this approach will improve your presentations, leading to higher customer satisfaction and customers gaining a better understanding of the data and its implications.



Anne Jordan Source Update June 2013: What's Happening with ProQuest?
6th June 2013

This month's additions and developments in ProQuest, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



James Mullan Managing Knowledge in Uncertain Times
6th June 2013

Knowledge has always been viewed as being valuable within law firms. However, the ways in which knowledge is created and managed are often poor and not taken as seriously as they should be internally. But in an economy where the only certainty is uncertainty, the importance of knowledge, especially around building competitive advantage, has never been greater.



Scott Weber Q&A with Opera Solutions: Making Big Data Smaller
6th June 2013

The big data ecosystem is growing exponentially and the task of grappling with the data is becoming correspondingly more complex. FreePint met Scott Weber of Opera Solutions Government Services to find out how its team of scientists and engineers turns huge datasets into "anticipatory intelligence" to allow organisations to take smarter actions.



Tim Buckley Owen Dow Jones Product X - RIP Factiva?
5th June 2013

Dow Jones looks set to subsume Factiva into its new portal, Product X, which will also include The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s and Dow Jones Institutional News, plus risk & compliance and research & analysis products. Dow Jones stresses the value-add of unifying all this content, but some customers seem concerned about the loss of a separate Factiva, which has seen rapid expansion in content and functionality in recent years. Dow Jones is to explain its plans at the forthcoming Special Libraries Association conference, but meanwhile a recent News Corporation investor presentation has hinted at the scale of the change.



Anne Jordan Source Update June 2013: What's Happening with Nexis?
5th June 2013

This month's additions and takedowns in Nexis, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.
