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Chris Porter Product Review of BvD Compliance Catalyst: Sources, Content & Coverage
20th August 2013

Reviewing the sources available in BvD's Compliance Catalyst, designed to help client onboarding and mitigate risk, Chris Porter finds information on over 115 million companies worldwide, including records on over 24 million companies in North America and over 43 million in Western Europe. The number of records in other countries such as India and China are increasing steadily, with the goal of six million records for China.



Aileen Marshall Product Review of Leadership Companies Premium: Customer Support, Licensing & Pricing
20th August 2013

In the final part of her review of Leadership Companies Premium, Aileen Marshall covers the help options available online and by phone. She also explains the pricing options for this online corporate database which offers access to over 100,000 board members and executives in the US and world's largest companies and non-profit organisations.



Chris Porter Product Review of BvD Compliance Catalyst: Introduction, Value and FreePint's View
19th August 2013

Chris Porter introduces BvD's Compliance Catalyst, a workflow application which helps organisations to take an informed, risk-based decision on whether to accept a potential new customer, supplier or other business partner. The product can help to increase efficiency and reduce risk as well as ensure that compliance requirements are met.



Aileen Marshall Product Review of Leadership Companies Premium: Search Outputs & Special Functionality
19th August 2013

One of the unique strengths of the Leadership Companies Premium database is the detail of its executive records and the variety of ways in which you can interact with the 100,000+ records on board members and executives from the US and world's largest companies, finds Aileen Marshall. The export options allow you to interact with CRM systems, send email or postal mail, create call lists, output to Excel and use for various business projects. A basic mobile interface is also available for searches on the go.



Aileen Marshall Product Review of Leadership Companies Premium: Interface and Search
16th August 2013

Aileen Marshall finds the search and interface options in Leadership Companies Premium to be simple yet comprehensive through successive filtering options or straightforward simple search or advanced search options. Board directors and executives can be searched by job function, industry, subject or organisation while the large national US and international companies can be filtered by a variety of financial data options, increasingly-specific industry categories and specialisations, or number of employees.



Penny Crossland Pearson Sacrifices Mergermarket for Future in Education
15th August 2013

Even after repeated denials, rumours still persisted that Pearson would sell the Financial Times. Although in many cases vociferous denials often mean the opposite, it appears that for now at least the FT will not be leaving the Pearson stable. Instead, the group announced at the end of last month that it is putting Mergermarket up for sale, the go-to service for all news and information relating to mergers and acquisitions.



Aileen Marshall Product Review of Leadership Companies Premium: Sources, Content & Coverage
15th August 2013

Continuing her review of Leadership Companies Premium, Aileen Marshall looks at the criteria for inclusion in this database of large national US and international companies. She also explores how the information on each of the 100,000+ board directors and executives listed is checked and verified before inclusion in the database.



Aileen Marshall Product Review of Leadership Companies Premium: Introduction and FreePint's View
14th August 2013

Introducing Leadership Companies Premium, Aileen Marshall gives her first impressions of this extensive database of 100,000 board members and executives in the US, including in-depth information such as titles, direct dial phone numbers, email addresses and other details. She considers how it will be used by leaders within the government, business arena and non-profit organisations.



Tim Buckley Owen Return on Information Investment - Breakthrough At Last?
12th August 2013

Comment by Gartner that information should be treated as an asset may hearten information managers who have been striving to demonstrate return on investment for years. Developments such as big data and analytics are susceptible to ROI valuation, but increasing privacy concerns may compromise their further growth. Even China is developing a credible data protection regime, the European Union has concerns about the Safe Harbour agreement in the wake of the United States PRISM scandal, and the Economist Intelligence Unit reports that marketers are underestimating customers' privacy concerns. So could Gartner's suggested Bank Of Information finally unlock the discipline of infonomics and put a measurable value on information management of all kinds?
