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Robin Neidorf Engaging Stakeholders in Dialogue about Value: The Art of Persuasion
27th September 2013

Robin Neidorf introduces "The Art of Persuasion", a four-step process towards building consensus, and explains how it can be applied to projects seeking to identify and measure the return on investment of content purchases. It can be used to gain agreement on the "problem" (e.g. we don't have a method for determining the value which information products bring to the business), which actions should be taken, the solution and the effect of the solution. This process is a valuable communication and management tool which could be applied to any negotiation, discussion or planning process.



Yulia Aspinall Collecting Human Competitive Intelligence: Challenges and Solutions
26th September 2013

Human intelligence or humint is one of the most valuable sources of information a company possesses, particularly for competitive intelligence purposes. However, as Yulia Aspinall discusses, it is also one of the most difficult to collect and analyse.



Sophie Alexander Overview: Bridger Insight XG
25th September 2013

Bridger Insight™ XG helps companies manage risk around bribery and corruption under legislation such as the Bribery Act 2010, the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and other government regulations. Sophie Alexander's article highlights some of Bridger's key features and strengths, including its ability to search hundreds of sanctions and watchlists and reduce false positives.

Update: A new review of this product is available here »



Penny Crossland Defining & Measuring the ROI in Compliance Tools
24th September 2013

The regulatory burden imposed on companies continues unabated, with new laws and sanctions being introduced every month as the corporate and geopolitical landscape shifts and changes. The myriad of regulations has led to a huge increase in reporting requirements for companies and is putting pressure on compliance departments, which need to ensure that the requirements are implemented throughout the corporation. The major vendors have responded by developing workflow tools that merge internal compliance-related data with external regulatory changes. How does one determine whether these tools are providing value for money? Penny Crossland attempts to provide pointers for information professionals required to evaluate these tools and concludes that a qualitative approach to metrics may be the best way forward.



Chris Porter Product Review of Thomson Reuters Compliance Complete: Executive Summary
24th September 2013

Compliance Complete from Thomson Reuters is an information service for compliance professionals which aims to take the pain out of tracking regulatory developments. It combines a calendar of regulatory developments with news and expert analysis, "rulebooks" of existing and forthcoming legislation and country-by-country reference materials. It also offers a message board where users can post questions and exchange ideas on the challenges they are facing. Search, monitoring and output options are highly tailored to user needs. Compliance Complete can be purchased as a global service; regional sub-sets are also available.



Sarah Dillingham SharePoint 2013 v 2007: Building the Business Case
24th September 2013

Sarah Dillingham compares the new functionality available within SharePoint 2013 against SharePoint 2007, with one eye towards using it to construct a credible business case. New collaborative elements include co-authoring, search and microblogging. Sarah examines the business benefits, time & cost savings and challenges associated with the latest features.



Chris Porter Product Review of Thomson Reuters Compliance Complete: Customer Support, Pricing & Contact Details
23rd September 2013

Concluding his review of Compliance Complete from Thomson Reuters, Chris Porter provides feedback on telephone and email support plus online help resources and PDFs. Pricing and contact information is also provided for this information service for compliance professionals designed to make tracking regulatory developments a seamless procedure.



Chris Porter Product Review of Thomson Reuters Compliance Complete: Alerts and User Interface
19th September 2013

The alerting options and user interface are a key part of any compliance product. Chris Porter reviews the wide range of standard and personalised alerts offered by Thomson Reuters Compliance Complete, examines the user interface and gives a taste of the usability enhancements coming in the 2014 platform upgrade.
