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Jan Knight Product Review of Meltwater News and Meltwater Buzz: Introduction, Value and FreePint's View
14th October 2013

Reviewing Meltwater News, which focuses on more traditionally official journalistic sources and Meltwater Buzz, which focuses primarily on the user-generated content in social media, Jan Knight looks into what value the products offer and finds that using the online monitoring tools to monitor competition, industries, news, potential partner companies, customers, executives and more opens up many opportunities for even smaller companies to be competitive.



James Mullan Is it Time to Unplug From Technology?
14th October 2013

I wrote a few articles earlier this year about why individuals should take time out from using technologies and discussed some of the problems associated with digital addiction and digital distraction. Nine months later I'm still seeing articles about why we should take time out from technology. The latest I read talked about the work/life balance, which I think is an important area not previously discussed.



Willem Noorlander Validating and Improving the Value of Content Investments
11th October 2013

With a range of stakeholders having different needs and expectations, it can be difficult to reach agreement over the value of content purchases. Bill Noorlander shares ideas on how to identify and decide the real issue or need, organisational requirements vs product capabilities, the business impact of changes, which stakeholders should be involved in the process and whether it's most appropriate to choose a short-term fix or a long-term solution.



Anne Lonergan Product Review of M-Adaptive: Introduction, Value and FreePint's View
11th October 2013

M-Adaptive is a SaaS-based media monitoring tool that brings together editorial and social media content. Launched a year ago it promises to be an effective tool for its target audience of PR and communications professionals who use it for reasons such as brand management, identifying emerging trends, understanding end-user sentiment and tracking the success of PR activities.



James Mullan Better Semantic Search: Google's New Hummingbird Search Algorithm
10th October 2013

Last month Google rolled out a major new upgrade to the algorithm that interprets user searches. Codenamed "Hummingbird", it's the first major upgrade to the Google search algorithm in almost three years. James Mullan explores how our search results will be affected by concepts such as semantic search and conversational search.



Claire Whayman Market Map: the Options in News Aggregation & Beyond
10th October 2013

The pace of technological advancement and the advent of social media has widened the provision and scope of news aggregation resources. Products traditionally focused on legal or financial information, PR, communication and marketing activities, together with those aimed at the news industry itself all provide a potential wealth of business news. This Market Map provides a top-level comparison of the types of news aggregation tools available, from social media aggregation to press cuttings and software-only solutions. It is intended as an aid to the information professional in considering alternative sources of news.



Matthew Baker The Global Regulatory Environment: Regulatory Risks for Businesses
10th October 2013

Identifying the regulatory risks for global organisations is an increasingly-complex task as the amount of regulation and legislation faced by the financial services industry continues to grow at an alarming rate. Victoria Brocklehurst and Matthew Baker explain the differences of approach to compliance between countries and jurisdictions. They outline key risks which compliance teams should consider, from extra-territoriality to the varying rules surrounding the marketing of products into different jurisdictions.



Tim Buckley Owen Combatting Identity Fraud & Online Threats
9th October 2013

If even sophisticated information companies like LexisNexis, Dun & Bradstreet and Kroll can fall victim to cyber attacks who can't? Verizon's latest survey shows that security breaches can take months if not years to discover, and European organisations are concerned that a proposed directive on network & information security will be too slow moving to address the threat. Meanwhile there are plenty of touted solutions - from Gartner, the Cloud Security Alliance and HP Autonomy - with big data analytics playing a key role.



Robin Neidorf Understanding Technology Culture... and What You Can Do About It
9th October 2013

An organisation's technology culture - the attitudes, processes, talents and systems that drive its adoption of new technologies - has a major impact on its approach to moving technology-related projects forward. Robin Neidorf introduces tools for carrying out a technology culture inventory to provide perspective on what's working and what needs attention. For example, where implementation is a weakness, there are some basic principles that a manager can apply, such as project documentation, setting measurable goals and working towards those goals.



Sarah Dillingham What's In It For Me? Dealing with Barriers to Organisational Sharing
8th October 2013

Why don't some people want to share? The answer usually given is "culture", but it could more accurately be "what's in it for me?" This article looks at some practical ways to deal with barriers to sharing knowledge from personalities to internal competition and time constraints. Sarah Dillingham also provides tips for effective knowledge management within organisations.
