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Sarah Dillingham The Knowledge Management Hype Cycle
2nd December 2013

There are so many varied knowledge management tools and practices that it's easy to get sceptical about "the next big thing". Wouldn't it be great to cut through the hype and get a measured sense of where KM trends are heading? By leveraging Gartner's Hype Cycle, Pumacy Technologies has done exactly that, looking at where practices such as blogs, cloud applications, knowledge flow analysis and storytelling sit in terms of maturity and acceptance.



Tim Buckley Owen How to Avoid Social Media Disaster
29th November 2013

Following recent advice from FreePint's Sophie Alexander on how to prepare for the rise of social media in the workplace, Tim Buckley Owen looks at some recent applications including disaster planning and crowdfunding. Businesses are testing the water on social media and still have much to learn; a Maxus UK survey finds that business-to-business brands need to understand the busy working lives of the executives they are trying to target - and banker JP Morgan is discovering painfully that social media are designed for relationship management, not merely communication. 



Sophie Alexander Q&A with Comintelli: Combining KM and Competitive Intelligence
29th November 2013

Jesper Martell of Comintelli tells Sophie Alexander how their products can improve a company’s decision making process and what changes he sees for the future of news delivery to organisations. Comintelli's Knowledge XChanger™ provides solutions for knowledge management and competitive intelligence. The Enterprise Information Access Software can aggregate a variety of content, from external and internal sources from research companies, news agencies, websites and RSS feeds, to content from a client's network drive, email or SharePoint site.



Sarah Dillingham Enterprise Information: Busting Some Myths
29th November 2013

The last 20 years have seen an extraordinary change in access to information and the development of the internet has revolutionised the way that enterprise users can access information sources and share content with one another. Sarah Dillingham addresses some common misunderstandings that arise when discussing enterprise information and provides some suggestions on how to tackle them. Myths include the belief that information is free, Google is an acceptable way to get business information, and that no user training is required.



James Mullan Social Media vs Collaborative Technologies
29th November 2013

How do you define social media as opposed to collaborative or social technologies? James Mullan dissects research conducted by All Things IC and Simply-Communicate into internal communications professionals' use of social media within organisations. The list of what's considered social media makes interesting reading, including tools such as Instant Messaging and SMS. Senior level support and "blocking" were also discussed.



Sophie Alexander Product Review of Northern Light SinglePoint: Customer Support, Pricing & Contact Details
28th November 2013

The help options available for Northern Light's SinglePoint strategic research portal range from on-screen prompts to webinars although their strategic dashboards are designed so that you do not need training or experience when using them, finds final part of Sophie Alexander's review. She also provides an overview of the pricing structure and contact information.



Andrew Grave Shortlisting Your News Aggregation Suppliers
27th November 2013

As news touches every part of an organisation, a wide variety of needs must be understood and then met. Andrew Grave outlines the suggested criteria to use when shortlisting news aggregation providers, such as IT infrastructure compatibility, training & support, advanced search capabilities and delivery formats. Separating software needs from content requirements is an important first step, he advises.



Sophie Alexander Q&A with Northern Light: a SinglePoint for a Company's Strategic Research Needs
27th November 2013

Sophie Alexander interviews David Seuss, CEO of Northern Light, to find out more about the company's strategic research portals, business research content and search technology solutions. She finds out more about how their technology delivers high quality results that are targeted to the specific needs and interests of each user, offering primary research, secondary licensed sources, and business news all in a single portal. Northern Light is the company behind strategic research portal SinglePoint.
