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Chris Porter Product Review of Engage121: Sources, Content and Coverage; Search
7th March 2014

Sources, search and output options are under scrutiny in the second part of Chris Porter's review of web-based social media management tool Engage121. Searching is split into two main forms through the "Explore" tab which lets you perform a free-text search across the wider social media world and the "Listen" tab for monitoring your particular social media connections.



Ben Wightwick What to Look for in an Enterprise Collaboration Platform
6th March 2014

The demand for secure file sharing, social task management and social collaboration is growing at a rapid pace. But choosing the right software is the challenge. Ben Wightwick highlights six important areas to look out for when buying an enterprise collaboration platform, two important challenges faced when implementing one and some next steps.



Chris Porter Product Review of Engage121: Introduction, Value & FreePint's View
5th March 2014

Web-based social media management tool Engage121 is reviewed by Chris Porter. In the first part of the review he looks at the company, audience and users, and identifies the value offered to clients in fields such as banking, retail and charities.



Sophie Alexander Mini Review: FT Newslines
4th March 2014

FT Newslines is an annotation tool for professors and students and used by over 200 education institutions including 35 of the world's top 50 business schools. Sophie Alexander finds out how FT Newslines offers a valuable way to bridge the gap between course theory and practice by integrating content from the Financial Times into the curriculum - and what it offers academics and students, particularly those studying for an MBA.



Anne Jordan Source Update March 2014: What's Happening with Nexis?
4th March 2014

This month's additions and takedowns in Nexis, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



Sarah Dillingham SharePoint 2013 - Using Social Features Effectively
3rd March 2014

Microsoft has finally integrated social elements into SharePoint through the release of SharePoint 2013. Organisations looking to upgrade from SharePoint 2007 or 2010 want to know how to use these features in a way that will offer maximum benefit to the organisation. Sarah Dillingham outlines some strategies to consider when thinking about how your organisation can make best use of these tools.



Steve Bynghall Is Gamification Right for My Organisation?
27th February 2014

Gamification - the use of gaming design in non-game contexts - is currently popular, but many do not consider it right for their organisation. This is partly due to perceptions of "hype" and concerns over fit with company culture. However gamification is actually used in many different companies, across many different instances. Steve Bynghall explains why it is worth keeping an open mind, and considering what it can be used for and for which sections of the workforce.



Yulia Aspinall Mini Review: F1000Prime
27th February 2014

Yulia Aspinall reviews F1000Prime, a database of recommendations of the best articles in medical and biological research. She finds out how the unique content and collaboration tools make this a "must have" information resource for any biomedical research organisation.



Tim Buckley Owen Social Media - Admit Nothing!
26th February 2014

Facebook may have made short work of a recent study predicting its imminent collapse, but subsequent results from Twitter and LinkedIn suggest that all is not well in the world of social media. Looking at some of the problems public social media face in engaging with their users, Tim Buckley Owen suggests that there are implications for enterprise social as well.
