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Chris Porter Product Review of Brandwatch: Value, Development & Pricing
14th April 2014

In the final part of his review, author Chris Porter assesses how the Brandwatch service distinguishes itself from other offerings in the crowded social media software marketplace and gives examples of the kind of value it can provide to different kinds of users within the enterprise.



Tim Buckley Owen Privacy - the Tentacles Stretch Ever Further
11th April 2014

Recent privacy developments in both Europe and the United States will impact on most of the big issues that are particularly exciting the information industry at present, Tim Buckley Owen reports - including big data analytics, social media marketing and regulatory compliance. Whether they're in Europe or outside it (as Britain may be one day) neither governments nor individual businesses will be able to escape the long tentacles of European data protection law.



Chris Porter Product Review of Brandwatch: Technology - Search; Outputs & Alerts; User Interface & Help
10th April 2014

The third part of Chris Porter's review of Brandwatch looks at the highly sophisticated and precise searching and filtering capabilities it offers. This section also details options for alerting, exporting and sharing search strategies & analysis results with colleagues.



Anne Jordan Source Update April 2014: What's Happening with Nexis?
10th April 2014

This month's additions and takedowns in Nexis, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



Chris Porter Major Shake-Up in Media Intelligence as Vocus and Cision Set to Change Hands
8th April 2014

The world of media intelligence software services is facing a major shake-up as leading players Vocus and Cision both accept takeover offers, and Cision then finds itself the subject of a rival bid from Meltwater. Chris Porter looks at what this might mean for the enterprise information buyer.



Anne Jordan Source Update April 2014: What's Happening with Factiva?
8th April 2014

This month's additions and takedowns in Factiva, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



Chris Porter Product Review of Brandwatch: Sources, Content & Coverage
7th April 2014

Chris Porter looks at social media content coverage in Brandwatch, a powerful social media monitoring and analysis tool supporting a wide range of job roles within the enterprise. In this, the second part of his review, Chris also details the extensive global language coverage within Brandwatch and gives information on timeliness of updating and length of social media archive.



Tim Buckley Owen Cybercrime - Don't Waste a Crisis
7th April 2014

As yet another clutch of reports offers scary findings on the consequences of online economic and financial crime and failures in cyber security, Tim Buckley Owen discovers that not all the best solutions are necessarily technological and that, since cybercrime is pretty much inevitable at some time or another, you can actually use it to enhance your corporate reputation.



Anne Jordan Source Update April 2014: What's Happening with EBSCO?
7th April 2014

This month's additions and changes in EBSCO, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.
