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Constance Ard Product Review of NetProspex Workbench (Introduction; Contact Details)
24th September 2014

Constance Ard introduces Workbench from NetProspex, a product designed for B2B decision-makers who need quality lead generation data and a tool to help them enhance the quality of their contact, company and intelligence data.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2398



Elizabeth Trudell Vendor Market Overview - Know Your Customer
23rd September 2014

FreePint presents an overview of some key vendors in the Know Your Customer (KYC) space. The table identifies key vendor products, briefly describes their key features, notes the geographic scope, singles out any special features of each service and notes what kinds of regulation it addresses, such as KYC, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT).



Chris Porter Mini Review of Nexis Analyser
22nd September 2014

Chris Porter looks at latest developments in Nexis Analyser, an add-on tool to the Nexis business aggregation database. The service generates easy-to-use analysis charts to help users dig into changes in news coverage over time. Users include those working on competitive intelligence, mergers & acquisitions and journalism.



Chris Porter Product Review of Factiva Companies & Executives (Sources - Content & Coverage)
22nd September 2014

In the second part of his review of Factiva Companies & Executives, Chris Porter drills down into the detail of the sources, looking at what's available for company profiles and news content, company financials, executive content, and industry profiles. He also investigates the Company Snapshot and Corporate Signals features.



James Mullan Introducing Delve - Improving Interaction with Information in Office 365
22nd September 2014

The way we search for and find information has changed significantly over the last 10 years, not just because of the advent of new technologies and an increasing focus on mobile technologies but also because of the amount of information we're both creating and having to manage. This trend has led to many companies looking at ways to make finding information easier. The latest company to jump on the "information discovery bandwagon" is Microsoft with the introduction of a new search tool called "Delve".



James Mullan How To Increase User Engagement With Knowledge Tools
19th September 2014

One of the many things that information and knowledge professionals can be tasked with is encouraging and developing user engagement with knowledge tools. This can be a thankless task given the complexity of both the organisations that users work in and the tools that organisations provide. James Mullan examines how information and knowledge managers can encourage use of the knowledge tools for which they're responsible.



Chris Porter Product Update of Compliance Catalyst
18th September 2014

Chris Porter catches up with some of the latest developments in the Compliance Catalyst service from Bureau van Dijk (BvD) and highlights key changes since FreePint's full review in August 2013. Compliance Catalyst is a workflow application that helps organisations to take an informed, risk-based decision on whether to accept a potential new customer, supplier or other business partner. BvD has made numerous enhancements to the content and functionality of the service, driven by customer feedback.



Chris Porter Product Review of Factiva Companies & Executives (Introduction; Contact Details)
16th September 2014

Chris Porter looks at the Companies & Executives component of the Dow Jones Factiva service. This component contains data and tools relating to companies, executives and industries. It was previously sold separately, but is now fully integrated into the main Factiva product. Factiva Companies & Executives is aimed at researchers and analysts in information-intensive organisations, as well as those involved in sales and business development. In the first part of the review Chris introduces the product and company and provides contact details.



James Mullan Are Companies Making the Most of SharePoint?
16th September 2014

SharePoint is much more than just a document collaboration tool; its social and collaborative elements are continually being strengthened and it now also serves as a social computing platform. But how many companies are actually taking advantage of all of its features? This is a question that often remains unanswered, so it was with some interest that I read an article which looks at research into the ways companies are really using SharePoint.
