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James Mullan Do You Know Why You Collaborate?
11th November 2014

When you think about why you collaborate, what immediately springs to mind? Do you collaborate because you want to share content or documents that you have created, do you collaborate because you want to reach an outcome that can only be done with other individuals' help, or are you trying to manage a large scale project? There are in fact many reasons why people might choose to collaborate, but what's significant is that you should know why you're collaborating before you do it.



Robin Neidorf What's the Value of Current Awareness?
11th November 2014

Robin Neidorf examines how information centres can measure the value of the current awareness service they offer to their readers and explains the components of the value equation.



Anne Jordan Source Update for and
7th November 2014

This month's additions and takedowns in and, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan. is the European version of the solution.



Catherine Pask Company Information - Finding the Right Package for Your Specific Needs
7th November 2014

Catherine Pask provides an overview of company information providers and guidance on how to choose a package to fit your specific information needs - whether you need specialist financial information, are performing due diligence checks, need news at your fingertips, or sales contacts. She also provides information on niche providers in sectors such as pharma and legal.



Tim Buckley Owen Security - How Far Can You Trust the Evidence, and What Can You Do?
7th November 2014

Whether it's retail fraud, security breaches that are inside jobs or lack of caution in implementing Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), information professionals need to be circumspect when the evidence comes from organisations that also happen to provide solutions to the problems they highlight. But sometimes that evidence - on the extent to which employees are responsible for security risks, or the role played by mobile devices - indicates some degree of consensus. And when it's backed up by specific concerns expressed by government or regulatory bodies - about outsourcing for instance, or lack of awareness among small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), that's when info pros can sense an opportunity to be seized.



Anne Jordan Source Update for Nexis
6th November 2014

The latest additions and takedowns in Nexis, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



Tim Buckley Owen Analytics - Not As Far Behind As You Fear?
6th November 2014

Contrary to popular belief, everyone probably isn't ahead of you in adopting big data. In fact most enterprises are still struggling, not least because they still seem to think that, with so much data at their disposal, they don't need to worry about every little flaw, and that technology will eliminate the need for data integration. Collecting stuff faster than they can sort it seems to be a key problem, and it can't be solved by exclusive reliance on data scientists. Old fashioned activities like taxonomy still have their role to play - and the competition regulators' interest in the few big data leaders suggests that the prize is well worth the effort.



Sarah Hinton Evaluating Premium News Services Against Free Sources
5th November 2014

Sarah Hinton describes the steps she took to evaluate her premium news aggregation service against the free alternatives - and the decision she made. She offers useful tips for anyone interested in evaluating the value their premium service offers.



James Mullan Redefining Email with Google's Inbox!
5th November 2014

Managing emails is an inevitable part of our professional and personal lives, but the process of keeping on top of the deluge has become something that many people struggle with. Dealing with an email avalanche after coming back from holiday or trying to deal with the multiple conversation threads that can exist within email can be a challenge. Whilst many of us might think that email overload only exists within our workplaces, we also suffer from this issue outside of work. Fortunately for users familiar with Gmail there may be light at the end of the email tunnel.
