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Andrew Lucas Taming Foreign Language Sources
20th November 2014

Although English has long been the de facto language of business, in an increasingly connected world, the need to access and understand news in other languages is growing ever more important. Andrew Lucas has taken a look at some of the challenges for information managers and the vendors.



James Mullan Communicating with Your Users to Ensure Project Success
19th November 2014

If you roll out a collaborative or social tool without consulting with your users, it's more than likely that it will fail to deliver on its promise. James Mullan looks at user expectations when it comes to technology and how organisations can ensure that when they deliver a new tool it is widely adopted by their users.



Robin Neidorf Sell Side of News Part 1 - Today's Competitive Landscape
18th November 2014

In the first part of her article on "the sell side of news" Robin Neidorf looks at what companies want from their news providers in the context of the changing landscape of news needs and suppliers. She examines how to rank objectives for news against available resources and compatible systems, the competitive environment for news and the best options for in-depth research with news content.



James Mullan Making Time for Knowledge Management
17th November 2014

James Mullan discusses how simple activities and techniques can help staff and managers better understand knowledge management and the benefits it can bring.



Steve Bynghall Is Current Awareness Now About Personal Knowledge Management?
17th November 2014

Technology and social media has empowered the user to take control of their own current awareness so it is much more of a personal activity. However, to a certain degree it has actually always been the responsibility of the individual. Given this, should information professionals focus their efforts on training users how to do current awareness more effectively rather than providing tools and content which they may not use?



Elizabeth Trudell Crowdsource - Creating Credible Content through Scale
14th November 2014

Crowdsourced content, drawing on large numbers of contributors of all background and levels of expertise, can produce content of value for research needs. This article reviews categories of crowdsourced databases, from those where the motivation to contribute is a desire to be part of preserving history to those where the contributor receives support or visibility for their work, and also where content is a by-product of social media activity. For information professionals, the same assessment process used for commercial databases can be applied to crowdsourced content collections.



Tim Buckley Owen Cloud Services - Not In the Cloud At All
13th November 2014

Whatever their other differences, the United States and Russian authorities seem to be of one mind when it comes to the desire to poke around privately held data whenever they feel like it. Their approaches to penetrating the cloud may be different but the motives are the same. Europe, where big hitters like Microsoft and Salesforce are both planning data centre expansion, may be the gainer because of its generally tougher privacy laws. So for anyone responsible for commissioning or managing an organisation's cloud services, the soil on which those clouds rain is really starting to matter.



Anne Jordan Source Update for Factiva
11th November 2014

The latest additions and takedowns in Factiva, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



Shimrit Janes Has "Current Awareness" Become a Bloated Term?
11th November 2014

Driven by broken economies, a burgeoning technology marketplace, and a bloated definition of current awareness, information professionals are increasingly struggling when it comes to meeting their internal clients' needs to track news developments. In this piece, Shimrit Janes explores to what extent the original understanding of "current awareness" holds up under scrutiny, and what challenges information teams are facing as a result.
